China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-12-28/29




China’s Xi Jinping asked ‘What’s so bad about deflation?’ amid economic slowdown, report says

"it was enough of a concern among Communist Party advisers that they prepared a report earlier this year warning China could slip into a deflationary spiral without more aggressive moves to stoke growth, sources told the Wall Street Journal. Still, Xi brushed it off.
"What’s so bad about deflation?" he asked his advisers, according to the Journal. "Don’t people like it when things are cheaper?"
After that remark, the topic of deflation essentially became taboo among Beijing's policymakers"

--- Which shows that emperor Xi is truly a man of the people. He has no idea abou... er ... His eternal economic wisdom is unrivalled.


Newly released pictures show Joe Biden meeting Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partners

"This is the first time these images have been made public, even though the photo ops and meetings they depict have been known about for years."

--- So, what's the news? Anyway, more important is the actual policies towards China. &, although they are quite weak, they don't really show corruption (at least not to a large degree). They reek more of incompetence than of corruption.


Hong Kong police deploy around independent book fair as attendees stopped and searched

"Uniformed and plainclothes police officers were on patrol around Tai Ping Shan Street
in Sheung Wan on Friday, the first day of a book fair featuring 20 local independent publishers that aimed to promote reading in the city.
[...] there were more police officers on standby in the morning. Almost everyone who left the bookstore was stopped and searched by the police"

--- Promoting reading? That's obviously highly dangerous to a commie society. The CCP can't have this.



China is building new detention centers all over the country as Xi Jinping widens corruption purge



--- China Unscripted: "What is Political Correctness For? With James Lindsay" (just because there was nothing else to post)


--- RFA: Video series: ‘China Beyond Borders’ looks at Beijing’s influence and intimidation



Der Druck auf chinesische Billiganbieter wächst

"Mehr als die Hälfte der Produkte von Temu und Shein enthielten gefährliche Inhaltsstoffe. Oft waren die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte von krebserregenden Stoffen wie Nitrosamine, PFAS und Phthalate deutlich überschritten.
[...] Getrickst wird offenbar auch bei Steuern und Zoll. So werden laut EU-Kommission schätzungsweise 65 Prozent der Waren falsch deklariert. Dazu kommen Bestellungen, die in mehrere Pakete aufgeteilt werden, um die Zollfreigrenze von 150 Euro nicht zu überschreiten."

--- Alles schon lange bekannt. Nur leider läßt man sich in Europa wie üblich viel zuviel Zeit mit der Reaktion.

"Anders als bei Konkurrenten wie Amazon oder Zalando sind die chinesischen Plattformen nicht für den Versand der Waren zuständig. Lieferungen kommen direkt vom Hersteller zum Kunden. Das spart Kosten, weshalb Produkte günstiger angeboten werden können."

--- V.a. sind die Versandkosten aus China extrem niedrig, billiger als innerhalb Deutschlands, weil China Sonderkonditionen als 'Entwicklungsland' bekommt.



China will Staudamm für größtes Kraftwerk der Welt bauen


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