China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-08-29




Xi Jinping holds surprise meeting with senior Biden aide in Beijing

"China has incentive to show a goodwill gesture towards the outgoing Biden administration in its closing days. In the hope of locking in a more conciliatory precedent, this can then constrain options for the next US administration."

--- Interesting, the talks seem to have been more successful than expected. At least for the Chinese side, because else emperor Xi would not have rewarded Sullivan with his presence. I doubt, though, that it is a 'goodwill gesture... to constrain options for the next US administration'.

"Speaking later on Thursday, Sullivan said the two parties reached no new agreements on the South China Sea and had “vigorous give and take” on economic security and trade issues."

--- That, on the other hand, has been very expected.
Here's Sullivan's presser.


China holds off on EU brandy tariffs but alleges dumping and damage

"The anti-dumping probe, launched on 5 January, found that EU brandy imports could significantly harm China’s domestic industry, according to Beijing’s Ministry of Commerce.
“The investigating authority preliminarily determines that there is the dumping of the imported related brandy originating from the EU, that the domestic-related brandy industry is threatened with substantial damage, and that there is a causal relationship between the dumping and the threat of damage,” reads the statement.
Although Beijing opted not to implement “provisional anti-dumping measures” at this stage, it noted that EU brandy could still face average duties of 34.8%."

--- Keeping the options open. They are probably waiting until the EU actually introduces the EV tariffs.


Economics, tensions blamed for Chinese students shifting from US to Australia, Britain

"Chen said Chinese state media's negative portrayal of the United States and concerns about discrimination have also contributed to the shift.
Bruce Zhang, a Chinese citizen who received his master's degree in Europe after studying in China, told VOA Mandarin he had such an incident occur to him after he was admitted to a U.S. university’s Ph.D. program.
When he entered Boston's Logan International Airport last year, Zhang said customs officers questioned him for more than an hour about his research, and if it had any links to the military, and took his computer and mobile phone for examination."

--- Such discrimination!


Hong Kong sees spike in imports from Taiwan, South Korea

"semiconductor-related goods may be being re-exported to mainland China to avoid U.S. trade restrictions"

--- Another loophole.



Anger after strangers lock toddler in plane toilet

Hong Kong journalists found guilty of sedition in case critics say highlights decline in press freedom



--- China Unscripted: "They’ve Scared the Daylights out of Japan | Grant Newsham"


--- DW News: "US national security adviser Sullivan wraps first China visit in eight years"


--- CNA: "What is the significance of the Sabina Shoal in the disputed South China Sea?"



Ein seltenes Treffen mit Xi Jinping

"Zum ersten Mal seit acht Jahren ist in Peking wieder ein nationaler Sicherheitsberater der USA von Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping empfangen worden."

--- Was darauf hindeutet, daß die USA irgendwo Zugeständnisse gemacht haben. Sonst hätte sich Kaiser Xi wohl nicht von seinem Thron herabbewegt.
Allerdings hat Sullivan wohl auch die üblichen Problempunkte angesprochen; mit dem üblichen Resultat: zero.


Branntwein aus der EU: China verzichtet vorerst auf Strafzölle - Untersuchung ohne Ergebnis

"Das chinesische Handelsministerium in Peking verdächtigte europäische Hersteller, Brandy in der Volksrepublik zu Dumping-Preisen zu vertreiben. Diese seien zwar festgestellt worden, Strafzölle würden nun dennoch zunächst nicht erhoben."

--- Was den Titel ad absurdum führt. Die Untersuchung hatte ein (von der KPCh vorgegebenes) Ergebnis: angeblich gibt es Branntweindumping.

"Als Reaktion auf die EU-Untersuchung hatte China im Januar eine eigene Untersuchung gegen Brandy aus der EU eingeleitet. Es wurde mit Strafzöllen auf die Produkte gerechnet. Ist der Verzicht darauf nun ein Versuch, um die Spannungen im Handelskonflikt zwischen China und der EU zu dämpfen?"

--- Daß es jetzt noch keinen Strafzoll gibt, liegt daran, daß die EU auf die rückwirkende Einführung ihrer E-Auto-Strafzölle verzichtet hat. Man kann aber davon ausgehen, daß die chinesischen Zölle sofort wieder auf dem Tisch sind, wenn die EU schließlich ihre Strafzölle einführt.



Zwei Journalisten in Hongkong verurteilt

Wie Peking im Chinesischen [sic!] Meer Druck macht

Uralte Tagebücher eines China-Insiders sorgen für Aufregung – nicht nur bei Xi


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