China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-11-16/17
Eight dead after stabbing at school in eastern China
"The statement said he graduated from the school in 2024 and carried out the attack after "failing to obtain his diploma due to poor exam results" and that he was unhappy with his internship pay."
--- & so it goes on. But don't you worry: China is still the safest country in the world. Foreigners are only sometimes killed in China. (Because most of these revenge on society attacks target schools & kindergartens.)
Xi says he will work with Trump in last meeting with Biden
"In a robust readout of the meeting released afterwards, Beijing said President Xi had underscored that "a new Cold War should not be fought and cannot be won. Containing China is unwise, unacceptable and bound to fail".
Xi also said a stable relationship between China and the United States was "critical to both parties and the world"."
--- Nothing new here.
Here's the US readout.
"Speaking at Saturday's meeting, which was held at President Xi's hotel in Lima, the leader said that if the US and China "treat each other as opponents or enemies, engage in vicious competition and mutual harm, China-US relations will suffer setbacks or even regressions"."
--- Says the emperor of a country that actually designates (internally at least) the USA as the enemy.
Xi’s Olive Branch to Trump Comes With Warning on China Red Lines
"Xi Jinping used his final meeting with Joe Biden to send a clear message to Donald Trump: China wants to be friends
"reiterating China’s “four red lines,” signaling that Trump must avoid any moves to undermine the Communist Party’s grip on power, push the nation toward democracy, contain its economic rise or encourage independence in Taiwan."
--- But, but, but ... hasn't emperor Xi himself said that China was the best democracy? Did he lie?
China's young unemployed 'pretending' to work in libraries, cafes
"unemployed young people are also picking up on the trend, and renting spaces just to look busy, and to give themselves a place outside of the family home, away from parental criticism or constant inquiries about how the job hunt is going, it said.
Desks can be rented by the hour, day, month or year, costing around 500 yuan (US$70) a month, and come equipped with chair, lamp, charging sockets and a locker for belongings.
They’re so popular that vacant desks are getting very hard to find, especially in more popular areas, the report said."
--- Hmm, can't see that being much of a trend. 500 RMB is an awful lot of money in China, particularly if you don't have a job.
China frees Taiwan fishing boat captain after four months
Fresh Chinese support may not be enough to save Myanmar junta
The ideological roots of technological transformation: Meiji Japan versus Imperial China
--- China Uncensored: "China Now Has Access to Every Phone in America"
--- BBC News: "Joe Biden holds last meeting with China's President Xi as US president"
China: Acht Tote und 17 Verletzte bei Messerattacke an Berufsschule
"Der Mann hätte in diesem Jahr seinen Abschluss machen sollen, war aber durch die Prüfungen gefallen und konnte kein Abschlusszeugnis erhalten. Zudem sei er unzufrieden gewesen mit der Bezahlung während eines Praktikums.Dieser Vorfall reiht sich ein in eine Serie von Gewaltausbrüchen in China, bei denen Verdächtige offenbar wahllos Mitglieder der Öffentlichkeit angreifen. Häufig sind Bildungseinrichtungen die Tatorte."
--- Rache an der Gesellschaft, & meist an den schwächsten Mitgliedern derselben.
"Obwohl Schusswaffenangriffe in China aufgrund strenger Waffengesetze selten sind, häufen sich in den vergangenen Jahren Messerangriffe."
--- Wieso 'obwohl'? Müßte doch eher 'wegen' sein. Es gibt relativ wenige Schußwaffen in Privatbesitz, also greift man auf andere Mordwaffen zurück.
China will "stabile Beziehungen" zu den USA erhalten
"Nach dem Gespräch mit dem noch amtierenden Biden teilte die amtliche chinesische Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua mit, dass China weiterhin eine "stabile Beziehung" zu den USA anstrebe. Sein Land sei bereit, mit der neuen US-Regierung unter Donald Trump zusammenzuarbeiten, erklärte Staatschef Xi demnach."
--- Welch Überraschung...
"Gestern hatte Xi noch davor gewarnt, dass die Beziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern in eine Schieflage geraten oder sich sogar zurückentwickeln könnten, wenn eine Seite die andere als Gegner oder Feind ansieht."
--- Seltsamerweise werden die USA aber ausgerechnet in China immer als der große Feind dargestellt.
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