China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-17




--- Acc. to rumours emperor Xi had a stroke, but I would take that with a huge grain of salt. No good source yet.

A spate of stabbings has sparked online debate about China’s economic woes

"Two days after those June 28 killings in the Guangxi region, national attention shifted to another stabbing incident, thousands of miles away – which was then followed by two others, also unrelated attacks in public places, taking the toll to seven dead in four provinces within two weeks."

--- Phhh... That's only the ones CNN knows about, there were numerous more.

"The country of 1.4 billion has generally low violent crime rates"


--- Yeah, right, if you believe official statistics. During my time in China, I saw more street fights in one year than in Germany in 30 years.

"Two of the most high-profile recent attacks came in June – and both targeted foreign nationals."

--- That's why they were 'high-profile', they involved foreigners, else CNN would probably have ignored them, too.

"The Chinese government doesn’t provide detailed data on knife attacks and keeps a tight lid on crime in its powerful and ubiquitous surveillance system."

--- & yet, CNN is certain that China has low violent crime rates.


Chinese officials tour foreign-invested firms in bid to stem exodus

"Officials were also able to “gain a deep understanding of the current problems and difficulties faced by foreign-invested enterprises ... actively respond to their key concerns, and further boost the confidence of foreign-invested enterprises,” it said."

--- But, but, but... Chinese news keeps telling us that foreign investors & companies are entirely happy there.


US to issue proposed rules limiting Chinese vehicle software in August

"The U.S. Commerce Department plans to issue proposed rules on connected vehicles next month and expects to impose limits on some software made in China and other countries deemed adversaries, a senior official said Tuesday."

--- Only consequent. This may be a bigger blow to Chinese car exports than any tariffs, particularly if the EU follows suit (which I doubt, but who knows).


Chip Companies, Top US Officials Discuss China Policy

"Earlier on Monday, the U.S.-based SIA called on the Biden administration to "refrain from further restrictions" on chip sales to China and urged the administration to allow "the industry to have continued access to the China market, the world’s largest commercial market for commodity semiconductors.""

--- 'Hey, we know that China is preparing for a war against the USA, but let us provide them with high-tech, anyway, because we want to make money.'


China says nuclear arms talks with US halted over Taiwan weapons sales

"China's foreign ministry on Wednesday said recent U.S. sales of arms to self-ruled Taiwan were "seriously undermining the political atmosphere for continued arms control consultations between the two sides."
"The U.S. has... continued its arms sales to Taiwan, and taken a series of negative actions that seriously damage China's core interests and undermine political mutual trust,"
[...] "China is willing to maintain communication with the United States on international arms control issues on the basis of mutual respect," Lin said.
"But the United States must respect China's core interests and create necessary conditions for dialogue,""

--- 'You must do what we want or else we won't talk to you.' What a surprise.


Trump says Taiwan should pay the US for its defence as ‘it doesn’t give us anything’

"Trump said Taiwan should be paying the US to defend it, that the US was “no different than an insurance company” and that Taiwan “doesn’t give us anything”.
[...] Trump’s comments on Tuesday suggest his support for Taiwan is not guaranteed. Trump noted China’s increased military aggression towards Taiwan, said he, “wouldn’t feel too secure if I was [Taiwan]”, and questioned why the US was acting as Taiwan’s “insurance” when, he claimed, they had taken American chip business."

--- What a moron. So much for the idea that Vance as a VP would mean a greater focus on confronting China.


Chair of Hong Kong press union Selina Cheng fired by Wall Street Journal, says paper urged her to quit group

"“Around three weeks ago, after senior editors at the newspaper found out I was running to be HKJA’s chairperson, my supervisor in the UK directed me to withdraw from the election,” Cheng said. “She also asked me to quit the board, which I have served on since 2021, even though The Wall Street Journal approved this when I was hired.
”Cheng said she “declined” the request, after which she was told that her role with the HKJA would be “incompatible” with her job as a reporter covering China’s automobile and energy sectors for the newspaper.
She said the company had told her that employees of The Wall Street Journal should not be seen as advocating for press freedom “in a place like Hong Kong,” even though they “can in Western countries where it is already established.”"

--- So, the WSJ doesn't like its reporters fighting for press freedom? Great newspaper.


Hong Kong shoppers flock to Japan in search of bargains

"And instead of searching out cool, high-end tech and bargain prices for luxury brands, Hong Kongers are stocking up on essentials in bulk during their trips to Japan, searching out the best deals at supermarkets, pharmacy chains, department stores and 100-yen stores.
[...] Tang likes to travel with her mother, dropping around HK$25,000 (US$3,200) on four suitcase-loads of bargain items on each trip, signing up for the 10-20% discounts that are widely available through apps and loyalty cards, and stocking up on foodstuffs that will last a long time on her return to Hong Kong."

--- Huh? Sorry, but that doesn't sound true. $3,200 for 4 suitcases doesn't sound like foodstuff or everyday items.



8 dead and others trapped after fire breaks out in China shopping mall

China’s single women forced abroad to freeze their eggs

China probes companies for allegedly giving pregnancy tests to job seekers

TikTok owner loses appeal against EU 'gatekeeper' label



--- China Uncensored: "NATO Is Gunning For China"


--- DW News: China's Communist Party meets amid economic slump

--- Bloomberg: How a US Crackdown on Chips in China hits Europe



Donald Trump fordert von Taiwan Geld für Schutz vor China

"US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump hat die Unterstützung Taiwans durch Washington infrage gestellt. »Ich denke, Taiwan sollte uns für den Schutz bezahlen«, sagte Trump in einem Interview mit dem Wirtschaftsmagazin »Bloomberg Businessweek«. »Wissen Sie, wir sind nicht anders als ein Versicherungsunternehmen. Taiwan gibt uns nichts«"

--- Der Trumpel zeigt mal wieder sein strategisches Genie.


Chinas Exportflut stresst Asiens Schwellenländer

"Brasilien tut es, genauso wie die Türkei, Südkorea oder Thailand. All diese Länder wehren sich mit Importzöllen oder Zusatzsteuern gegen billigen chinesischen Stahl, Elektroautos oder einfache Konsumgüter aus der Volksrepublik, die den einheimischen Produzenten das Leben schwer machen. Erst unlängst sorgte Indonesien für Schlagzeilen, als von geplanten Strafzöllen gegen chinesische Textilimporte in Höhe von 200 Prozent die Rede war. "

--- Die Welt wacht auf. (Nur Scholz schläft weiter.)



Südchinesisches Meer: Russland und China starten bedrohliches Seemanöver

Militärische Übungen auf Hokkaido - Deutschland und Japan senden Signal an China

EU-Gericht weist Klage von TikTok ab


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