China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-09-30




China's factory, service sectors skid, emboldening stimulus calls

"China's factory activity shrank for a fifth straight month and the services sector slowed sharply in September, suggesting Beijing will need even more stimulus to hit its 2024 growth target"

--- But, but, but ... didn't we just have the great stimulus? & now we have to wait for an even greater one?

"Analysts expect the stimulus and a reported new 2 trillion yuan ($285.20 billion) bond package should be enough to deliver growth in line Beijing's growth target of around 5%"

--- Some analysts...


Communist China is celebrating its 75th birthday and its stock market is soaring. But not everyone is in the party spirit

"According to Xu Tianchen, senior economist at the Economist Intelligence Unit, the “rare, simultaneous rollout of so many measures underscored the urgency for policymakers to prop up the economy.”"

--- More like 'to prop up the stock market'.

"Stimulating the stock market doesn’t really do much for the real economy in China."

--- Yep.

"There has been little in the barrage of measures announced last week to address the underlying structural problems weighing down economic growth."

--- Yep.
(& virtually nothing can be done about the root of all problems: emperor Xi.)


China’s astronauts are aiming to land on the moon by 2030. They now have a new spacesuit to do it

"The new red-and-white suit – revealed by the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) over the weekend – is made to withstand the moon’s extreme temperatures, as well as radiation and dust, while allowing astronauts physical flexibility to perform tasks on the lunar surface, according to state media."

--- Almost like - well - a space suit.

"“Unlike low-Earth orbit missions, astronauts will be in a harsh natural lunar environment during lunar extravehicular activities. Complex environmental factors such as high vacuum and low gravity, lunar dust and lunar soil, complex lunar surface terrain, high and low temperatures, and strong radiation will have a significant impact on work and protection,” Wu Zhiqiang, deputy chief designer of astronaut systems at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, told state broadcaster CCTV."

--- Phhh... Except for the surface stuff, it's pretty much like floating in space. Even if you're not on a planetary surface, you have to be prepared for the suit being hit by extremely fast micro particles.

"Others also hailed the aesthetics of the suit, with state media describing the red stripes on its upper limbs are inspired by ribbons from the “flying apsaras,” or deities that appear in ancient art in western China’s Dunhuang city, while those on its lower limbs resembling “rocket launch flames.”
Another designer, Wang Chunhui, told state media the suit’s proportions would make the astronauts “look more spirited and majestic” and “make us Chinese look strong and beautiful when we step on the moon.”"

--- Hmm, that spirited & majestic look is surprisingly similar to the US Apollo look:



China steps up security, surveillance in Beijing for 75th anniversary

In global game of influence, China turns to a cheap and effective tool: fake news

Crew on Vietnamese fishing boat injured in attack in South China Sea, state media say



--- China Uncensored: "I Wasn’t Expecting THIS Would Turn China Against Xi Jinping"


--- NHK: Long reach of China's 'Transnational Repression'



Deutschlands „führender China-Experte“ im Netz der Einheitsfront

"Seine Einschätzungen erscheinen auch in einem Blatt, das Experten als Teil einer verdeckten chinesischen Einflussoperation bezeichnen. Kritiker werfen der „China Rundschau“ vor, Propaganda zu verbreiten. Denn die Publikation gehört zu einem europaweiten Netz von Medien, die als „Nouvelles D’Europe“ bekannt sind – und einer berüchtigten Abteilung des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei nahestehen sollen.
[...] Wie ist das mit Sierens Rolle als unabhängiger Journalist zu vereinen? Er gibt auch darauf eine pragmatische Antwort: „Ich arbeite nicht für die ‚China Rundschau’. Die drucken im Kommissionsverfahren Texte von mir nach, die in anderen deutschen Medien bereits erschienen sind.“ Auf Nachfrage, ob er dieser Verwertung zugestimmt hat und dafür vergütet wird, meldet er sich nicht mehr."

--- Ganz die chinesische Art. Sieren ist schon lange keine zuverlässige Quelle mehr, wenn es um China geht.



Industrietätigkeit in China weiter rückläufig - Dienstleistungssektor verliert an Schwung

Mao - Chinas roter Kaiser (Wh.?)


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