China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-22




Second Thomas Shoal: deal or no deal?

"China would allow the Philippines to send living necessities to the personnel on the warship “in a humanitarian spirit” if the Philippines informed it in advance and after on-site verification was conducted, according to the spokesperson.
But if the Philippines were to send large amounts of construction materials to the warship and attempted to build fixed facilities or a permanent outpost, China would “absolutely not accept it and will resolutely stop it,” the spokesperson added.
A Chinese think tank – the South China Probing Initiative – said that with this statement, the two sides may agree to return to the situation between 1999 and 2022 when the Philippines promised not to send construction materials to the Second Thomas Shoal and China would continue to let humanitarian supplies go there.
Analyst Collin Koh from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore wrote on the X social media platform that China’s version of the agreement “draws more questions than not about whether it will hold at all even before the ink is dry.”"

--- Who would have thought?

"Shortly after the Chinese side issued its statement, Philippine foreign ministry spokesperson Teresita Daza denied that such arrangements as prior notification and on-site confirmation had been made.
“I want to stress that the agreement was concluded with the clear understanding by both sides that it will not prejudice our respective national positions,” she said.
“For the Philippines, this means that we will continue to assert our rights and jurisdiction in our maritime zones as entitled under UNCLOS (U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea).”"

--- Well, that clear understanding is obviously not so clear after all. Which is not new when signing agreements with China.


Xi Jinping vows to boost security, strengthen Communist Party control over economy

"Ruling Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has vowed to strengthen control over families, businesses and financial markets, with a slew of measures to advance his vision of an orderly economy that fulfills Beijing's top political priorities and addresses growing inequality."

--- An orderly economy. Must be free markets with Xi-characteristics.

"His directive comes as China largely avoided disruption caused by a faulty security update to Microsoft's Windows operating system, having largely transitioned away from reliance on U.S. operating systems since 2008."

--- Bullshit. They just don't use CrowdStrike.

"The government will also look at setting up a "unified national population management system,""

--- Hmm, the beginnings of forced births? 'Get a baby before turning 30, or else! Get a second baby before turning 35, or else! & if you get a 3rd baby before turning 40, we present you with a bag of rice.'


China cuts several major interest rates to support fragile economy

"China surprised markets by cutting major short and long-term interest rates on Monday, its first such broad move since August last year
[...] The official Xinhua news agency cited unnamed sources close to the PBOC as saying the "decisive" rate cut showed its determination to bolster the recovery"

--- Good one. That 'decisive' rate cut of 0.1 percentage points will definitely restart the economy.


Hong Kong man found guilty of insulting Chinese anthem at volleyball game

"He was accused of publicly and intentionally insulting the national anthem at the Hong Kong Coliseum last June after he covered his ears when the March of the Volunteers was played before the FIVB Volleyball Women’s Nations League match on June 16, 2023"

--- Hmm, what would happen to me, I wonder? Being rather noise-sensitive, when the surroundings are too loud, I often cover my ears & probably would do the same in a stadium when music is playing. Not to mention, that I don't get up for some piece of music. Probably a good idea for me to not visit Hong Kong again.



Philippine president orders shutdown of Chinese-run online gambling industry employing thousands

Summer of devastating floods shows steep challenge for China as it grapples with extreme weather

Chinese university sacks professor after social media accusation of sexual harassment



--- China Uncensored: "Communism ROTTED China"


--- CSIS: "China’s Third Plenum: A Plan for Renewed Reform?"



China senkt überraschend Schlüsselzinsen - Wirtschaft soll Schub erhalten

"Die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua sprach unter Berufung auf nicht näher genannte Gewährsleute im Umfeld der Notenbank von "entschiedenen" Zinssenkungsschritten. Sie seien Ausdruck der Entschlossenheit, die Konjunkturerholung zu stützen und das diesjährige Wachstumsziel von rund fünf Prozent zu erreichen."

--- Entschiedene 0,1 Prozentpunkte. Das muß jetzt aber der großartige Stimulus sein.



Kuleba sucht in China nach Wegen zur Eindämmung der russischen Aggression


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