China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-07-26




Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

"stockpiling minerals is one potential indicator that China may be preparing for a military invasion of Taiwan"

--- No, no, no! You don't understand China. It's only stockpiling because emperor Xi knows that the evil USA one day will sneakily, without warning & without reason attack innocent, poor, little China.


Chinese Olympic swimmer says doping testers are part of a ‘European and American’ plot

"A world-record holding Chinese swimmer has accused doping testers at the Olympic Games of being part of a “European and American” plot to unsettle China’s team."

--- 'Yeah, those evil Westerners just don't want to let us use doping. As if that were an unfair advantage.'

"My teammates and I will resist the pressure and win more medals to silence the sceptics."

--- Logic with Chinese characteristics? 'We will win more, & that proves that we don't do doping.'

"The World Aquatics Integrity Unit published data on its testing regime this week which showed that between 1 January and their arrival in France, the 31 swimmers who will represent China had each been tested at least 10 times by World Aquatics, and that on average each swimmer had been tested 13 times."

--- So, some Chinese swimmers have been tested fewer times than average? Clearly harassment!


China's Olympic team denies issues with summer heat in Paris

""You need to get prior approval from the delegation," one woman wearing a Chinese team uniform told RFA Mandarin ahead of the opening ceremony on Friday.
"We can only talk to CCTV," said another young woman who identified herself as a gymnast, in a reference to China's state broadcaster.
Asked if other media organizations could request an interview, another athlete in the same group said: "They won't allow it.""

--- Befriending the world with Chinese characteristics. Because in China even sport is a state secret.


India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border

"The two foreign ministers “agreed on the need to work with purpose and urgency to achieve complete disengagement at the earliest,” according to an Indian statement late Thursday"

--- Urgency, yeah right. This has been going on for years & will stay an issue for the foreseeable future.


Pakistan boosts security of Chinese workers amid growing terrorism

"Heightened security for Chinese workers is also a source of resentment among locals in parts of Pakistan. In Gwadar, where the Pakistani military controls security, impoverished locals have staged mass protests in recent years, complaining of a lack of involvement in Chinese-funded development projects, and of loss of livelihood and limited mobility.
“All the shops and roadside restaurants close along the five- to six-kilometer-long distance when the Chinese travel from the port to the airport. This happens two to three times a week,”"

--- That will definitely create more friends for China.



Cambodian naval base could accommodate Chinese submarines

Tibetans forced to remove religious structures outside their homes

US Military, Seeking Strategic Advantages, Builds up Australia's Northern Bases Amid China Tensions



--- China Uncensored features the usual weekend news variety:


--- CNBC: How China Took Over Indonesia’s Nickel Industry To Fuel Its EVs

--- BBC News: Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in mainland China after deaths in Taiwan and the Philippines



Was hat Xi vor? - China hamstert massenweise Rohstoffe

"Gabriel Collins, ein ehemaliger Analyst des US-Verteidigungsministeriums, erklärte laut „Economist“, dass die Ressourcen, die China momentan anhäuft, genau diejenigen seien, die im Falle eines Krieges gegen Taiwan benötigt würden. Allerdings reichen die derzeitigen Vorräte laut Informationen von „The Week“ für eine solche Gefechtslage nicht aus. Vielmehr könnte es sich um eine Strategie handeln, die darauf abzielt, China weniger anfällig für externe Druckmittel zu machen."

--- 'Hey, die haben noch nicht genug für einen Krieg gehamstert, deshalb hamstern sie nicht für einen Krieg.' Tolle Logik.



Ankunft von Taifun "Gaemi" in China: 300.000 Menschen müssen Häuser verlassen


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