Chili Can Boost My Daily Income


Hello hivers all...!!!

Nowadays, investment can be done in various ways, we can even invest through home activities such as planting chilies in the yard as one of the regular economic improvement activities.

What's more, currently chilies are one of the crops that have quite a significant price on the market, even within one week the price of chilies increases regularly with this price spike mechanism which certainly has a good impact on economic growth personally for us as home farmers.

Cultivating chilies will not immediately give abundant results, but as time goes by we will slowly feel the results of what we plant, the minimum for some household needs can be covered with the results we get from some of the chili plants we grow. harvest.

Last week chilies had a price of around 53,000 Rupiah for each kilo or equivalent to 3,455 Hive Dollars, this price apparently doesn't just stop there because in the past two days the price of chilies has again increased drastically in our traditional markets, even now chilies are priced at the same level. 63,000 Rupiah for each kilo or equivalent to 4,110 Hive Dollars.

An increase like this is certainly quite exciting for us, because planting activities are only carried out during the intervals because when we work the chilies will grow by themselves without having to be checked at any time, at most we just water them in the morning and evening. just to provide an effect on the roots that fulfill the water needs for the plant's nutrition.

And special care is not required for house plants like this, apart from not keeping me busy in the care process, I can also carry out other work activities without having to think about their continued growth.

On the other hand, I feel quite grateful for the achievements I have gained from cultivating these chilies, that's why I continue to multiply the seeds so that I can plant them in large quantities around the house, this is a form of side activity to boost economic growth for daily needs. I need, with this effort, hopefully my life will be better in the future.

That's all @bodrex27

0.001 PAL


Farming chilli's is really a good way to minimize expenses at home and is a good investment too.
Well done and thanks for sharing.

0.000 PAL

You right, your welcome.

0.000 PAL