Autumn Story


This autumn is so beautiful, so mild and warmed by the sun's rays that I have come to long for the dreary days I was used to in the past when everything worked normally.

When every season knew its name.

Sometimes all sorts of less than friendly reasons prevent me from doing what I planned or following my habits.

Like shopping before the weekend.

This week I stayed home and celebrated shopping day in my little garden, with a little barbecue and my eyes on my trees ready to face the coming winter. Now I realize the difference between those trees and us humans. When winter comes we dress up thicker and thicker, that is, we put more and more leaves on us, while the trees do the opposite...


My birches are still quite shy, they are not completely bare, but they will soon give up the last leaves.



They are young though and, like many young people, they don't put their clothes back on. I have had to dedicate this day to sort out the clothes thrown all over my little yard.


Every work in the yard reminds me that in one corner there is an old barbecue, actually, it doesn't remind me because I think about it all the time. It's a barbecue made of bricks almost a hundred years old, a barbecue like people have in the country. I didn't even want to build one like in the magazines (nor could I), I like to say I want it to be rustic and authentic. To give me the impression and remind me of my grandparents' food, they didn't put much value on the image of the tools used but on the quality of the food when they cooked. This grill of mine makes me think that food is the same as it was in my childhood, although it can't be like that anymore, now we like to delude ourselves, to lie to ourselves nicely!



Why do I love barbecue? Mainly because I can eat fish because of it, I don't cook fish in the kitchen. So especially fish has the "honor" of frying there.

I didn't go to the market today but it's a good thing there's a fridge. I have two fish there waiting for this day and that helps me to be able to tell something about #marketfriday. Because Denise, @dswigle is waiting for our stories.


I have a sea bass and a salmon trout, the former is sea fish and the latter freshwater. Both fish are farmed and I can say right now that the former is tastier. They arrived immediately on the grill, they were cleaned from earlier so I didn't waste time with the preparation.


After the fish were in place, I had a few minutes left to look at my stubborn flowers. Stubborn to keep blooming, even though they have the icy sword of winter hanging over their heads. Alas, how I love them for this stubbornness... yet natural.




I'd like to think that I too will be stubborn when I feel a sword above my head.... or a scythe. I like to hope so even though I know I'm not exactly a fighter.

During this time the fish began to fry. I like grilled fish and because I no longer have to clean the scales, an operation I don't like. On the grill, the scales burn and clean very easily.


The fish are toast on both sides and now I am going to apply what I learned in Greece. That is to make these fish particularly tasty.


I start with a cup of red wine, which I drink. Then it takes a lemon and oil, preferably olive oil. I ran out of olive oil and then used sunflower oil, also cold-pressed.


Then pour a little oil and squeeze half a lemon over the fish, leave for a few minutes and turn the fish over. Here I repeat the action with the oil and lemon. I also add salt and pepper.

This simple action makes the fish particularly tender and tasty. Before I saw how the Greeks grill, I used to eat the fish almost dry because on the coals the heat evaporates all the liquid from them. I was unhappy that they didn't taste like the ones I ate in a restaurant. Now they are much better than in a restaurant!


The fish are almost done and I've even put bread on the grill.

Still the Greek method, they put thick slices of bread on the grill which they then drizzle with olive oil.




It's true that the food doesn't look great but I assure you the taste is. Beneath the burnt skin is tender, sweet-sour-savory-spicy fish with a smoky, seafood smell. It's the only way I can quell my longing for the sea.

My birches growing by the grill are jealous and keep touching me (gracefully) with their branches, trying to get my attention. Now I have to give them a few looks...



We can feel the approach of rain, it has been a gloomy day that will now become rainy. Good thing I finished the work in the garden and the barbecue. The rain is coming, the first drops of water have started. There's room for a song. Rain On the Window · Nazareth!

I didn't buy anything today but I managed to eat what I bought the other day, which is great.

It was an autumn day that still didn't smell like winter and there was another fish that still smelled like the sea!

There is one rose left, one of my favorites who insist on participating in this celebration too. It wants to be in the post too, he seems to know Denise wants #alwaysaflower.




For #MarketFriday by @dswigle



0.012 PAL


I have a couple of stubborn trees too! My Japanese Maples, both of them haven't let go yet, even last year. I had a few leaves left even in the spring. They came off when the new ones started coming out.

I like your use of analogies with young people and saplings, or young trees. It makes an easier explanation of nature, in my opinion. The grill is something that I use all winter long, I do not cook fish in my house either. It leaves a residual smell that can be unpleasant to some. But, like you, I could eat seafood every single day. I actually think my mother used to scale the fish anyway, although, I can see from you that it is not necessary. I grew up on the ocean, so, it is no surprise that I eat mostly saltwater fish. It is rare for me to go fishing in a lake, that takes patience. I have never bought freshwater fish, not even in a restaurant, but, I am wondering if you can taste the difference between farmed fish and wild-caught? I know the health differences, but, now I am speaking about taste. Your flowers are still blooming? The only thing I still have blooming is one rose bush and chrysanthemums. The rest are gone, sadly.

The lemon and olive oil is definitely the key! I also add a pinch of sea salt and garlic at times. I have to agree that this is delicious! I love doing fish that way, and some other seafood. It gives it that Mediterranean flavor that I love. I think the presentation is fine. Unless I fuss a whole lot with it, mine looks much the same, but, I am more interested in how it tastes. I have a steak that is going on my grill tonight, but, now it seems just a tad underwhelming, and wish there was a fish going there instead.

It was an autumn day that still didn't smell like winter and there was another fish that still smelled like the sea!

A perfect day for a perfect day.

Thank you for the roses. Even better is the day!

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  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
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  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
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    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
  6. Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

0.006 PAL

Nice of the Japanese Maples to do that. Mine is empty now, anyway it's a decorative one, modified somehow and maybe because of that.

I'm thinking your mother had to cook for many and didn't have time to think, she had to keep up the pace, that's why she was always cleaning the scales. If she fried or boiled the fish, it had to be without scales.

I'm glad you're a fan of grilling, whatever you put on it, it tastes special.
There is a noticeable difference between wild and farmed fish. Now I'm talking about freshwater fish. Farmed carp are almost inedible, they have a lot of fat. Probably the sea fish is different too. In Thassos, we used to eat fished sea bream and in Romania only farmed sea bream is sold, obviously, the Thassos sea bream was tastier but I thought initially it was because of the way it was cooked. I think that both cause a better taste.

I would like a grilled steak now. You probably know that this month, until Christmas, it's meatless fasting at Orthodox. I haven't eaten meat for a month, but I've eaten a lot of fish instead.

Have a nice weekend, Denise, and thank you!

0.000 PAL

Yes. I did remember that, but, only after you told me. I go meatless for Lent and every Friday. (except today as I was thinking Saturday!) We go meatless all year on Friday, a throwback from the old Catholic rules.

I have a choice as my cousins have the charter boats and fish every day, plus I have the docks in downtown DC that they dock at and sell fish right off the boats. If I didn't have that... I would do what everyone else does. What they must to eat fish.

Another fish that is delicious with the olive oil (I used extra virgin if I can) and lemon, garlic, and ... is salmon. I guess I do eat a fish that is born in freshwater and migrates to salt. Ha!!

Thanks again for joining #MarketFriday! Have a wonderful weekend!

0.000 PAL

A break from meat is good, I try to do that too.

You have cousins who have fish. That's great!

Salmon is a wonderful fish and yes, it lives in two kinds of waters. I must have a slice tomorrow. Also with olive oil but in the oven or in the frying pan.

Thank you, and the same to you, Denise!

0.000 PAL

My cousins both of the families have fishing boats. They charter and catch fish for the market in some... it is a winning deal for me. :) They love sharing and I love making dinner for them sometimes.

0.000 PAL

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0.003 PAL

Greek style grilling, 😊 thanks for that.I learn something new.We love grilled fish here in the tropics.

Happy Friday to your stubborn roses 🌹🌹🌹.

0.001 PAL