

Growing up I never used to picture my life outside Nigeria. I wanted to grow, and raise my own family in my homeland. It was not because I didn't see the need to leave the country or how it made lives better for those who left. It was because Nigeria feels more like home.

I was young so the affairs of the country weren't my greatest worries. How it was run was left to the government and those who complained about how bad things were going were majorly the older generations.

As I grew older, I also started worrying about those things. The country was supposed to get better but it kept getting worse and it became a major concern for me. Would I want to build a family in this type of environment?

Still, migration was not part of my goal. Mostly, I wanted to be comfortable enough that the effect of the current state of the country will be minimal on my family and me. However, recently I have been considering the idea of migration, majorly because my partner is interested in it.

The idea of migration is nice, as every other thing has its pros and cons. One of the pros is that it allows one to experience the world from a new perspective. Experience the culture of other people and get to know more about the world. One of the cons is that migrants get bullied oftentimes and they can do little or nothing about it. Some of the systems put in place are also rigged against them.

Most Nigerian youths leave because they want to live in a working system with a little or less corruption than they have to face in Nigeria. Of course, there will be discrimination but we have some of that in Nigeria also, so how bad can it get?

Part of the reason I would rather be in my country is that it is my comfort zone. The system may not work here but I have some say in how things play out. I am now more open to the idea of migrating, there are challenges everywhere but we can overcome them.

I do not see it as my only means though, for me if it works, fine, if not, I’m good. I would not jump at just any opportunity as long as I get to go outside Nigeria. It has to be juicy enough to make me leave my current comfort zone and face whatever is ahead.

Thanks for stopping by❤

0.017 PAL


It's an option I really will take if given the chance ...

0.000 PAL

There are many possibilities if you're really into it. You just have to find the right channel

0.000 PAL

There are millions of opportunities here..its just that there is really no able ground to start on as a leverage for most people. So most have to start from scratch.

0.000 PAL

Indeed, that's what set most people back. The fact that we need to start from scratch, also some of those opportunities are not readily available.

Thank you for your comment.

0.000 PAL