We all understand the importance of technology and how much positive impact it has had over the years. It has made completing tasks a lot easier and faster. Life has improved in many ways because of the advancement of technology. The improvement of technology can be seen almost everywhere, the workplace, household, community, there is technology everywhere.
It is quite difficult for me to pick my favorite technological advancement because there are quite a few I find interesting. I will go ahead and list them in no particular order. I pick these because in one way or the other they have made life easier for me.
The first will be the mobile phone and how it has gone from the ones made to simply make and receive calls, to those that cannot access the internet with just one tab open and then the ones that can open multiple tabs at the same time on the same device. With the improvements of mobile phones came the opportunity to multitask, and do various activities that would have required different gadgets e.g my phone serves as my alarm clock, reminder, notepad, etc.
Also similar to mobile phones will be the advancement of personal computers. It is impressive how a computer has gone from its original design of just being able to do simple and singular tasks - calculations, to being a device that can do so many tasks simultaneously - access the internet, make calls, create and save files, etc.
The internet is also another one of my favorite technology advancements. As we all know the internet has become a key part of most of our lives. Almost all our activities require the use of the internet for one thing or the other. We need the internet to send a quick text to that loved one, access those important emails, connect with a wide range of people, and have access to a variety of information for various purposes. The internet has been helpful in so many ways. It is possible for people to work from home now and the internet is one of the reasons that is achievable.
Presently there is still so much improvement in technology going around, we have artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and so on. I think the best is yet to come.
Thanks for stopping by❤
Our mobile phones and the internet are great technological advancements and we tend to always make use of these things in daily basis. I only wish we can use them positively and not for our own selfish benefits especially the internet.
How's your challenge going? Did you complete all your tasks today? I bet you did. Good to know.. Keep the fire burning..
Technology has really brought theist good to our lives, although there are other drawbacks from technology, it surely has exposed man to a better, easier.
How are you doing today with your task?
Technology is improving so fast and making so many lives better. Just look at hive for example.
How has your day been. Did you get the star?
I know right! Hive is a perfect example of how well technology can bring people together.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm doing well so far.
For sure technology is having such amazing advancements and breakthroughs! I hope we as a society can put them to a better use, to improve quality of life of everyone in the world and more effecient resources!
Thank you for sharing! Came here through DreemPort
Just want you to know that you're already doing amazing in this challenge! Keep going, you can do this! 💪💪💪
I agree with you.
Thank you!
Seriously you did a great job here and I totally agree with you
Thank you!
These are absolutely some of the best technology has for us and more along the way :) I think some of us can't last a day without these, especially mobile phone and internet hehe.
By the way, how are you doing today? I hope you are on track and are checking off your day's goals. Carry on and I wish you the best and that you will get the golden star at the end of the day :)
Thank you so much. Today is the last day, I've gotten 4 stars so far, I hope to get the last one too.
How are you doing with the challenge? Hope you met all your goals?
Indeed the final day :) Congratulations to your 4 and surely, you will have the 5th. I'm finalizing my report to my Teem, thankfully done everything and now coming around to thank everyone and give a little encouragement too hehe.
Phone and internet will always be on great technological advancement that came with a lot of positive benefits.
You can literally learn everything on Internet and with phone you get to do a lot.
Hope you are good?

How has the day been so far?
Checking up on you and I hope you are still on track for the dreemport challenge.
Thank you!
Thankfully I'm still on track with the challenge. How about you?
Yeah I'm on track too
I think the mobile phone is the best also for me, the advancement has been so amazing.
Anyways, I hope you are good today, doing your tasks and reaching great heights.
Yeah, A lot of us use our mobile phones for so many activities. It is basically a part of us now.
Thanks for the encouragement!
You are welcome.
The smart phone amazes me at the tons of things possible through it. It's really been helpful.
Indeed it has. Thanks for your comment dear
You're welcome
These are amazing technologies that we are so grateful for.
How has today's challenge been for you? Got your star?
Everyone will agree with you that since the advancement of technology, everything has been made easier
Thanks for sharing and good luck
Thank you!
Is this a challenge or something? I have seen something like this already and I guess it is. I would love to participate too. Yes, technology has advanced and we are glad it did because we have been able to do things easier and faster.
How are you fairing with your tasks? Hope you are getting the gold star already?
I just Tengoed you 😍

Errrm, It's not necessarily a challenge. It's kind of an engagement topic, similar to that of weekend engagement. You can subscribe to the community and follow the rules to get verified, then participate. IF you have further questions you can DM me on Discord.
Thank you for your encouragement, I am doing well so far with the challenge, I hope to keep it up.
Okay, I will let you know if I have more questions on that. Thank you
The importance of smartphone and internet can never be overemphasized, they've really made life easier and connect us with the outside world.
Yes indeed, without the internet connecting to the outside world would have been difficult.
Thank you for your comment.
You are welcome
Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and remote neural monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not. Many of the platforms for hive and steem are trying to silence me so they can do this to YOU. The community isnt safe HERE if you cant click on this link. ...OR THIS LINK...