

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. I hope you've all been doing well. I've been offline for quite some time due to reasons beyond my control. I'm back and it's a new freaking year!

It's another year and I'm happy to be here. Yeah, 2021 was a long year, it was filled with so many activities for me. I saw myself doing things I didn't think I would ever do and I'm grateful for growth.

It's always exciting to see the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. I feel like 2022 holds so much more in store for me. First I'm happy because I made it successfully into the new year, despite everything that happened in the weeks leading to that.

For some weird reason, it felt like I wasn't going to make it. I mean on New years eve I was 2 secs away from being crushed to death by an oncoming vehicle while on my way to church. I couldn't help but ask myself, is this how it happens for some people?


All in all, I'm grateful for 2021 and everything that came with it. I'm excited for 2022 and what will come with it. I'd like to say I have some new year's resolutions and the rest but I don't.

Having new year resolutions has never been my thing. First, I don't believe I have to wait for a new year to incorporate something into my life or to be a better person. Secondly, I feel like the new year resolution fades with the excitement of the new year and we slowly just go back to our default state.

Nevertheless, I have some goals for the year. Goals that have been broken into smaller objectives to make it easier to work on. I took the first day of the year to analyze my goals and decide on the best possible means to go about achieving them.

Setting goals without strategizing on ways to achieve them is like a mere wish. I am feeling very positive about this year. No matter what happens this year, I choose to be very optimistic. Remember, it's not the situation that matters but your attitude towards the situation.

Keep a positive vibe this year because everything works together for our good. If you keep doing things the same way, it's going to be like every other year. Do something different, dare to be different. Stand out.

Thanks for stopping by ❤

0.006 PAL


Thank God we made it to 2022, I'm glad you are back.

0.000 PAL

Thank you!

0.000 PAL

Happy New Year to you🎉🎉
I hope this year proves to be our best yet.
I posted a poem on my page about how I'm feeling hopeful for 2022.
You might wanna check it out.

0.000 PAL

Thanks for stopping by❤

0.000 PAL

You're welcome.
I would appreciate it if you followed me so you could see my content too. I'm new to this platform and trying to build a following.
I have great content

0.000 PAL

Dear @blezyn, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got an important support from the community and is close to be funded. However, it misses a few votes to get past the return proposal and your could make the difference!

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, Hive.blog or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

0.000 PAL

Happy new year dear it cool to you are back in here

0.000 PAL

Thank you!

0.000 PAL

First and foremost, lemme take this moment to wish you a Happy New Year. I also haven't been active over the last few days so, I might have missed your man's post. Heheh. Extend the 'New Year' wishes to him.

Life is all that matters. Our ability to move around without hurting ourselves in the process is highly underestimated.

I'm glad that you were able to see this new year with us.

Have fun and hit all your goals for the year.

0.000 PAL

First and foremost, lemme take this moment to wish you a Happy New Year

Thank you! How's it going on your end?

I might have missed your man's post. Hehe. Extend the 'New Year' wishes to him.

Hehe he, he's been busy too. I'll extend your wishes.

It's nice to be able to see a new year, I'm glad you're in it too.

Thank you for all your kind words

0.000 PAL

on New years eve I was 2 secs away from being crushed to death by an oncoming vehicle while on my way to church

That must have been scary. Hope you are okay.

Best wishes for the New Year.
If you are interested in joining the Saturday Savers Club this year, we are just starting the new Challenge:
Saturday Savers Club 2022 Launch and FAQs
Love to see you there 😍

0.000 PAL

That must have been scary. Hope you are okay.

Yes, it was but I got over it quickly. I'm going great, thank you.

If you are interested in joining the Saturday Savers Club this year, we are just starting the new Challenge

I love to join, thanks for the invite.

0.000 PAL

Happy new year! Glad you're fine and back.

0.000 PAL

Thank you,!

0.000 PAL