

Cooking has never been something I love to do. Almost everyone around me is aware of that simple fact, even my current partner thought I didn't know how to cook because of how long it took me to cook for him. Yes, I consider myself a lovely cook but it's so exhausting to prepare a meal no matter how small.

For this weekend's engagement topic I would like to answer this question
Have you ever set fire to your kitchen, burned your food, yourself or generally messed up in a major way whilst cooking. Tell us about your worst personal cooking experience, the disaster-zone experiences

Living with my parents and siblings, I didn't cook often because they are all aware I don't like to do it but when I moved to college I had to adjust. In my 1st and 2nd year in college, I had a roommate who was way older than me. She acted like my big sister and I let her.

So, on this beautiful Sunday, she had told me to prepare beans when I get back from church since I usually get home before her on Sundays. So I had no problem honouring that request. While in church my period came and with it came painful menstrual cramps.

On my way from church, I went around looking for an open pharmacy so I can get some painkillers. I successfully got one and headed home. On getting home I took the drugs but also remembered I promised to prepare beans. I picked the beans and put them on the fire. All was going well until the drugs started working and I decided to lay down a bit because the pain was becoming unbearable.

I don't know how it happened but I slept off a few minutes after laying down while the food was still on fire, apparently because of the drugs I took. All of this happened between 9 am and 10 am. At about 12:45 pm I heard a loud bang on the door - my roommate was back from church.

I opened my eyes, still very weak and discovered the whole house was covered in smoke. The smell of burnt beans, coupled with a burnt pot filled the air. I couldn't see properly but I knew I had to turn off the gas somehow. I staggered my way into the kitchen and turned off the gas while coughing profusely. My roommate was still banging at the door, my head was pounding, and my stomach was still hurting so bad. It was chaotic 😂

Wanna hear the funniest part? After turning off the gas cooker - I didn't bother pouring water into the burnt pot, it was beyond saving. My eyes were still so heavy, that I immediately went back to sleep. It wasn't until I woke up 2 hours later that I realized I could have died if my roommate didn't come when she did. Also, I had to get a new pot and refill the gas because my roommate wasn't having any of it.

Thanks for stopping by❤

0.012 PAL


🤣🤣🤣, I am not the only one on the "lazy woman association" not because I can not cook but because I feel lazy about cooking.

Good enough your partner has seen this and knows how stressful it is for you to cook, una go adjust.

0.000 PAL

Lol, I found someone like me. You're right my partner has made adjustments to accommodate that side of me.

Thank you for your comment!

0.000 PAL

Is this how you plan to burn my house down when I marry you Blessing? I don't think this love can survive arson. So be careful. Don't go about burning my favourite food.

0.000 PAL

😂😂 jokes on you, I don't intend on cooking in your house🤪

0.000 PAL

You were lucky!
It could have been much worse than just having to buy a new pot😁

0.000 PAL

lol right! It was later I realized all the bad things that could have happened so buying the pot wasn't a big deal I was happy that was the only thing affected.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful week and don't forget to work on your goals for today!

0.000 PAL

yes it could have been much worse!
thank you and don't forget your exercise today :)

0.000 PAL