I was having a conversation with a friend and she was sharing with me how great this year has been for her. The wins she has had, the growth, how she was able to open her business and have it grow to where it is, but then she also said she is preparing herself for the bad days to come.
I thought to myself what bad days are coming, most importantly why was she waiting for bad days to come. From everything she has right now, there is no indication of anything going wrong but deep down inside her, she feels something will eventually go wrong.
The thing is this thinking is not unique to her, as a matter of fact when things are going well for most of us. We somehow feel like something will go wrong maybe to balance everything, I don’t know.
The real question is why does something have to go wrong? Why do we often feel like something must go wrong because our lives are going so well? Most importantly, why do we feel like we have to pass a stage of suffering after some days of enjoyment?
I used to work for a woman way back and she used to say this often, “People must always suffer, if you don’t suffer when you’re young, you will suffer when you’re older. So you should suffer when you’re younger so you’ll know the days of suffering are over”.
Now, I have seen people who suffered in their early years and suffered till they die, and then some have never suffered. They don’t know what it means to have challenges. So, who made that law that we must always have something go wrong in our lives.
I saw a screenshot somewhere, it was an exchange between two people. The first tweeted that he goes for an HIV test every month and the other said one day you will find what you are looking for. It was meant to be funny but there are some truths to it.
I think it is all about the mindset, it is how we have programmed ourselves. Notice how when you are thinking of a red car, you notice way more red cards than any other colours on the road. It is the same when we focus on the negative, we will always attract that negative thing.
We get what we are constantly looking for. If you are focused on only the good things then that is all you’ll get and if somewhere inside you feel like you’ll experience bad days then it will happen.
Whatever we subconsciously hope for, the universe will bring it to fruition. It’s all about focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want. Let your goal be only on the things that will go right. There is no need to fear having everything go so well. No law states everything cannot go so well, so enjoy the moment and live in it.
Thanks for stopping by❤
Well, you can't blame us. We have those limiting beliefs that something bad will always happen to us. We shouldn't live like that. We should fill our hearts and minds with positive thoughts at all times. This way, positivity becomes our reality. We are what we think we are so we have watch our thoughts.
Your friend needs to read these posts for a mindset formatting.
I am sure she will find them useful.
You're right, that's not the best way to leave. always waiting for something bad to happen. Being positive about everything is the best thing to do.
Thank you for the reference, I'll share them with her. I'm sure she'll find them as useful as I have.
You are welcome namey ❤️
Hehehehe.... I'll recommend your posts anywhere. A lot of people need to read those things you talk about. They are life-changing. Thanks for always sharing them.
Well I'm touched and honored, thank you for the kind words, and for helping my posts reach others who may benefit. :) 🙏
The first tweeted that he goes for an HIV test every month and the other said one day you will find what you are looking for. It was meant to be funny but there are some truths to it.
Ahah very funny! well yea why is the person going for hiv test every month lol, it is either his way is not pure and things he engage in could make him contact that disease lol...
meanwhile there is no one without challenges, it just that atimes challenges differ, some people money is their problem, some may be barren, some have health issues and so on, so no one is perfect, no one has it all, you may not know but every one has got one problem that makes them feel sad.....
all the same, we must always give thanks to God because we are better than some people ....
Lol, some people are a bit paranoid
People have different outlooks on life. What some see as the most challenging time of their life is what others see as the best learning experience. Most times it's not about the problem but the attitude to that problem.
All the same, thanks be to God, and thank you for your comment!
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