It's Time To Build | Recession Inbound?


It's been a wild few years. When the markets should have been crashing they have been propped up by some wild things including massive bailouts to people and companies. Fast forward to today and we now have record high inflation, the USD losing value and having two major competitor's (BRICS and Crypto), the petro dollar in a bit of trouble and national debt is unreal.

As we saw on Friday the markets became a bit shook with the stock market DOW losing over 600 points and the crypto markets about 150 billion about double the percent of the stock market.

Most of this stemmed from a very week jobs report and some people saying the fed is taking too long to decrease the interest rate and is now stifling the economy. It's hard to tell as we have seen in the past many times the fed does it too soon and inflation comes back in a awful way and crushes into a recession. It might be a new policy to keep the rates high for a little longer and while yes it will be a struggle it should lesson the impact of a possible recession. You know that ugly thing they have been doing everything to try and prevent for so long.

The Building Phase

The crazy thing about the doom in gloom is I look at it as the prime time to build. That's because not only can you convert fiat into more tokens but everything else goes up as well. Things like mining often will get easier, faucets pay out higher, conversion of NFTs often times convert into more tokens. These tokens can also then be put to work generating APR on them so a few months down the road you end up having lots more tokens earning APR as the fiat dollar values go up. Or at least that's the main goal and thought process of that.

That's why I always say don't invest the time or money into it if you don't believe in it. Do your own research and figure out if something is worth your time and money or not.

I would say today we are back into the building phase. For example here on hive I earn more hive then ever before because of the low prices. I'm also able to trade some other tokens that held their values higher then hive and also trade NFTs for more hive then I could a year or two ago. This is where the perception is often lost on people and the short sightedness of building a massive crypto portfolio.

Is Recession Coming?

Everyone keeps talking about a recession but I feel like the government in the current times will do anything they can not to slip into one. There's also a lot going on which actully stimulates an economy and that's war. Throughout history war has been a way to get your country (as long as it's winning) out of recession and into massive growth.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The markets are crazy. I am waiting on the closing of our family home in the Keys and then I will be managing it as a family fund so I'll be back paying attention to the stock market as well as crypto. I am just watching and waiting on the best times to buy in. Hopefully it holds out and stays a bit lower for a couple of weeks until we get things all set up, lol.


The market is very unpredictable, anything can affect it from small to large scale and rarely in a positive way, let's hope for the best. Greetings!


Wild times in the market and as you said, it's building time so let's go 💪


Haven't you heard? Recessions have been outlawed ;)
