Simple design of a fabric coaster for my table using left over fabric


Hello everyone


Greetings to you all on this beautiful day, I hope you are all doing great just as I am doing here, it's a sunny day and I decided to take my mind off the hot weather and do something nice with my time until the sun goes down, it's really so hot in here that I had to take a shower several times just to cool off my body, well I had to quickly make this as it has been on my mind for awhile now. I will be sharing with you the making and design of a fabric coaster I made for my table using left over fabric since it's something I realized I needed on my table.


The fabric coaster I made is used to protect the table or any surface I might want to place my cup from condensation that might be created by cold drink or water, sometimes, there might be stains from foaming from drinks too, this coaster can also help to prevent that as well, so I decided to make one for myself and see what the outcome will be and fortunately for me, it came out really nice and beautiful on the table.


It is very easy, simple and useful. Join me as I take you through the cutting and sewing process.

From my pieces of left over fabric, I cut out 2 pieces of 8" circle with interfacing ironed on one piece.


The two were placed together right side to right side and it was sewn round leaving an opening where it can be turned inside out.



It was turned inside out through the opening while the opening was sewn together and was ironed to make it flat.


I took my trimmings and sew it round the edges.



This is the final and beautiful outcome, you can see how nice it looks, I hope you love the simplicity and lovely design of this coaster I made.



A plate of food can also be placed on it as it is wide enough for a plate as well.

Thanks so much for your time, support, comment and encouragement. Until my next post. Do have a great day.

0.000 PAL


What you did with the left over fabric, that's awesome! It is beautiful and stylish. It's good to see how you made it. Well done!

0.000 PAL

@bimpcy Hello, very beautiful your cup holder and very delicate colors, I love it.

0.000 PAL

Wow,this is beautiful
With diy nothing is wasted
Thank you for sharing this
Your design on it is beautiful

0.000 PAL

está muy bello y eso lo hace ver elegante, buen trabajo!

it is very beautiful and that makes it look elegant, good job!

0.000 PAL