Week 213 - The job I never started.

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Hello friends, welcome to my blog

I don’t know if my story is exactly what you would expect with respect to the question, because I didn’t actually quit a job I was already doing, I quit before I started. About a year ago, at one of my weekend engagements, I shared one of the discoveries I made over the past few years about myself and that was my vocation as a teacher, a profession I never in my life dreamed of pursuing.

But before I began to discover my life as a teacher and in that period of 9 years as a housewife that I took, I wanted to start working again in what I had initially studied which was Food Technology, I tell you a little better the story. Exactly 6 years ago my children were 8 and 6 years old, I was 34 years old and I started looking for a job because I thought that after I turned 35 no private company would want to hire me. I started sending resumes to different companies in the food sector, at that time many professionals were leaving the country in search of a better quality of life and it would be a perfect opportunity for me.

Indeed, they called me from a company located about 15 minutes from my home where they receive cocoa to make chocolate with hazelnuts, I attended the interview near my home and apparently my profile was exactly what they were looking for and the job was what I wanted because of the proximity to my home and the schedule. Everything seemed like a dream because I was going to start my professional career again and I could continue to fulfill my obligations as a mother. Then I was scheduled for the psychological evaluation as well as the medical exams, everything was going smoothly.


After waiting more than three months with no response from the company, I thought I had failed the evaluations. One day they called me to start working, but not at the headquarters where I had done the interview and where I had made all the plans of how my days were going to be and the routine I would have with my children, but at the main office an hour and a half away from my home. During the call I could not give an answer to the girl who contacted me, because I had to think about it, although I wanted it, it was not what I expected, nor what I needed.

After analyzing leaving home very early and arriving very late, without being able to see my children because they would surely be asleep when I left and also when I returned, I decided to quit that job, I called and told the girl that I could not work so far away that if at some point what had been talked about from the beginning was available again, then yes. It was obvious that with this answer she was vetoing me from the company because they were not going to call me back, but the decision was already made.

What would my life be like if I had started working under those conditions? I have no idea, although they say there is no such thing, anyway, of course I thought my life would be different, starting with more economic benefits. But I also would not have had time to accompany my children to school, my son to his baseball practices and games, my daughter to her keyboard lessons, I don’t think I would have met Hive. So there’s a lot of “would have’s”, we don’t really know what would have happened.


Has this change worked for me? Well, when I decided not to start working in that company, many nights I went to bed thinking that I was not making the best decision, because I had studied to work, not to stay as a housewife. I talked a lot with God about what I wanted, starting with getting a job where I could be with my children at the same time, I put everything in God’s hands, he knew what I wanted and needed. Three months later I was offered the job of a teacher, it was exactly what I needed and then I loved the profession and started studying pedagogy. So I have always thought that God put me where I am.

Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting

All the photographs are my own of my Redmi 10C cell phone. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



I had a similar experience in getting a job I never started. I applied for something when I was younger to get my family off my back, but the store offered me the job and said they liked me a lot. But I really didn't want the job, I stupidly accepted it but then never turned up for work. 😅


Hi. I really wanted this job, I liked it very much, but the conditions were not right at the time. Nowadays I would take it and it wouldn't matter how far away, because my children already do everything by themselves and they don't need me as much.


Yeah I don't think it's a bad thing to reject work either. After all, it's all money and that's the only reason we really pursue work, isn't it? Gotta look after the family and maintain your health at the same time.


Yes, exactly, family first and that's what I thought about when I made the decision. I am glad to have been with my children throughout their childhood, now they are teenagers.


Hello, the truth is that there is no such thing and things happen for a reason. In the balance were the economic benefits on the one hand and the family on the other. It was not an easy decision, but added to that was the distance, which was the big obstacle. Your prayers were heard and God put you where you were meant to be. Best regards.


Exactly. You summed up my entire post in a few words 🤣🤣.
