Small Garden Chores
At the moment, I'm still slogging through my taxes... most specifically, collating the data for cryptocurrency reporting. Again, it isn't like there is lots of money there... I'm not a trader or anything like that, but there is just a poopload of data that needs to be sifted through, checked for mistakes and imported into Cointracking... or worse still, imported by hand. I'm getting through the bulk of it... but it is mind-numbing work sifting through CSV files and block explorers... all for tiny amounts of change.
... and so, to break the tedium, I wander outside and do a little bit of gardening every now and then for half an hour... or I wander over to the violin and start learning some things that I will need to be performing in a couple of weeks.
This gives me a little bit of time to chip away at smaller tasks that normally go undone... and even more so when I've been away. My wife prefers to do large jobs... so a large day of gardening, rather than lots of little chunks through the week.
First up, the parsley need a serious haircut... it was growing like crazy, and was starting to overshadow the other herbs. So, chop chop... everything was hacked back down to the stems!
Next up... this angry looking weed that has been in the back of the garden for quite some time. For some reason, it just gives me the creeps... and I've avoided uprooting it. But I got its fellow friend the other week, and now I'm a bit braver about approaching it. So, after lots of loosening with a pitchfork... it finally came out in pieces. Thankfully, I did manage to get the taproot, but it was a lot stronger and deeper than it looked!
Next up... after clearing the area near the patio, it was ready to take the new lavender plants that my wife had picked up from the nursery. Three of them to start off with, and then time to sit back and watch how they do in the soil here.
Fast work in soft soil! Well watered and fertilised... so, hopefully they should take hold and grow fast!
Meanwhile, after getting that alien weed out of the ground... it was time to get started on the unwanted grass and weeds that had been allowed to grow thick and strong in this area. This will eventually be the place for some fruit trees... my wife keeps talking about it, but I figure that nothing will get done unless I make it happen. So, here goes the first clearing... about 50 metres left to go. Ideally, I would just put in a small tree sapling as I go along... rather than waiting for the whole line to be clear... just so that I can start on the regrowth where I had started a few weeks back! Plus, I really want to get rid of the long grass before the snakes decided that it is a good place to hide.
Yep... another neglected area. This was planned to be a path, and I kept clearing it... and suggesting that we should order the river pebbles to cover it... but that just kept getting put off... and now we have a grassy path instead. I guess that this will have to be dealt with in the near future... but for the moment, I've just whipper-snipped it down to size... and I will deal with it later when we are ready to cover it properly!
So... those are a few of the small tasks that I have been doing to give my mind a break from the taxes! A few more days, and I hope to be done... it is a lot less fun than it sounds!
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Handy Crypto Tools
Ledger Nano S/X: Keep your crypto safe and offline with the leading hardware wallet provider. Not your keys, not your crypto!
Binance: My first choice of centralised exchange, featuring a wide variety of crypto and savings products.
WooX: The centralised version of WooFi. Stake WOO for fee-free trades and free withdrawals! This link also gives you back 25% of the commission. Decentralised perpetual futures trading on Arbitrum!
Coinbase: If you need a regulated and safe environment to trade, this is the first exchange for most newcomers! Mixed feelings, but they have the BEST looking VISA debit card in existence! Seriously, it is beautiful!
CoinList: Access to early investor and crowdsale of vetted and reserached projects.
Cointracking: Automated or manual tracking of crypto for accounting and taxation reports.
KuCoin: I still use this exchange to take part in the Spotlight and Burning Drop launches.
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Having s garden break is a good cure to any desk work. You made me laugh with the 'angry' weed. Have to admire those tap roots breaking up and feeding the soil! The lavender will do well. They are pretty tough and I like they don't need much water. The bees will love them too
Oh that is one seriously angry looking weed... I'm looking forward to the smell of lavender when I walk out the door!
yay, so glad you planted lavender in your garden. They will be lovely when they grow up. I believe that angry looking weed was the herb mullein - though it is hard to be certain from just one pic. happy gardening!
Oh, was that it? I have seen it around the place... but I think that this is the biggest one that I have seen!
I agree, and that is exactly what happened to me today (I realized that I should get it done instead of thinking too much pessimism).
By the way, at first glance, I though the thing on the upper left looked like a snake.
Eeeep.... I don't see it!