Musical Sacrilege : Thoughts on JS Bach




I've been thinking about this for quite some time, and it is something that my wife and I have talked about before... but for some reason, even voicing this opinion is a bit sacrilegious amongst musicians.

So, what is this weird thought that I don't really subscribe to... but I suspect that many other musicians do but won't say.

Well.. lets get started with ultra high veneration that JS Bach that musicians and audiences ascribe to JS Bach. Sure, I also do think that he wrote some pretty sublime and amazing things... and I don't disagree there, but there are lots of Baroque composers that get overlooked completely due to the obsession about Bach! Something that I think is a real pity... as there is lots of great stuff that just rarely gets played or heard just because of that.

Anyway, the real thing that gets me is how musicians just rave on about the fugues of Bach... and how amazingly intricate, well constructed, logical, and academically intellectual they are. They talk about how the themes interact and how they got inverted, diminished, stretto-ed, augmented, and blah blah blah... and sure, I can hear it, but it just does nothing for me.

For me (and my wife), it is an intellectual curiosity...that ultimately leaves us cold and unmoved. I hate playing them... and I hate even more to listen to them. Yet, when anyone brings them up... everyone is WOW... yeah... and I just stay silent.

It is sort of the the classical musician's equivalent of the emperor's new clothes. No one wants to admit that the fugues are tedious to listen to and that they are completely dry and cold.... Sure, there are moments where they are sort of interesting musical pieces and there are the occasional episodic parts that are really good music... but I sure as hell am not going to go gaga when the theme comes back in some weirdly altered form that only the insiders can decipher.

In fact, I'm also too chicken to say it out aloud too... but at the very least, I don't say that I love them. Just staying silent... and only admitting to my wife that I can't stand them!

I do find it crazily strange thought that it is just such a taboo thing to admit to! But there you go... I've said it on the public internet and I think that the next time I present a public concert for my own group... I will say it out aloud on stage!

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We all have different taste for music and that's a normal thing.

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Of course! But it is strange when people don't dare admit that they don't like something!

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