Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

Woohoo... and another prize lands on the southern continent! This time, it was my first pick from the Monster Raffle, and this was a purely weight-based pick! 6 ounces of pure silver, well... you have to go with that one! Big thanks to @trumpman and the Europe contingent for the prize!

This was a bit of a nervous wait, as the tracking stalled after it left the sending country in Europe... and there was no information for ages. But today, I popped down to the Post Office box as I had to do some shopping at the supermarket anyway... and there was a note saying that something had come in yesterday. Strange... I usually get a notification by email or SMS when that happens... but I took the paper note in... and waited in a very very long line.

Seriously, there was a woman in front of me who was cashing in 4200 AUD in notes!

Anyway, when I saw the package, and saw where it had come from... I knew immediately what it was! But the food shopping had to be done...

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

And after opening the package... it wasn't crazily packed... and there were some very interesting decorative art pictures scattered around the padding! I think it is a sausage? ... with eyes?

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

Oh yes, and now we get to the fun part.... the real packing! This time, it was less padding and more of a cardboard sandwich with a hefty dose of tape! Still, this is an easier thing to run a knife carefully down the side through the cardboard sandwich gaps! Not too deep... just in case!

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

... and there we have 6 Queen heads! Oooooh... nice!... and a bit sticky... hopefully from the tape, and not from the picture... Nothing that a good bit of a repeated tacking with a new piece of sticky tape could fix though!

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

And here we have it! Two Maples, Two Dragons, and Two Guineas! I have dragons, and I have maples... but the Guineas are a new addition to my stack! I love the intricate shield design on them... and as always, the dragons are a nice touch!

Monster Raffle Prize from @trumpman.jpg

... not really sure what these are worth though!

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Upgoats by ryivhnn
Account banner by jimramones

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


... not really sure what these are worth though

Free toilet paper!


Haha... a bit rougher than normal!


Oh yes, I would have been nervous too if I saw that pieces were sitting stuck in transit like that. I'm glad they made their way to you safely!


I did google it up, and apparently it isn't that unusual for that particular carrier... so, I figured I would just sit and wait!


Haaahaha, a "package" from @trumpman is always an adventure xD

Nice win man, that's quite a haul!

Those trumpbucks will be worth all the money once he's president of the US bizzaro world again 🙃


Lol... an adventure it was!

So, I have several trumpbucks, so I will have multiple lots of all the money?
