Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!


Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

Hmmmmm... we woke up to this fallen section of a wattle tree the other week. It was sort of expected, I had been up on the roof fixing up the gutter guards after the cockatoos ripped a few out, and I was thinking... hmmmm, that wattle section looks pretty long and horizontal. I probably should deal with that and have it cut before it is too heavy at a bad angle and it falls!

... and two nights later, I hear a crack and a thud in the middle of the night... and in the morning, I jumped straight out and saw this.

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

The wattle had broken at the base... the length of the section was about 10-15 metres long, and at a severe near horizontal angle, so with the addition of water from the rain and a bit of wind, it snapped pretty cleanly... as wattles are prone to doing. Thankfully, it didn't land on anything... we were building the retaining wall from the other side, so it also didn't damage any if the new construction! But it did squash a smaller wattle on the way down, missed our clothes Hills hoist... and bounced off the thick ag-pipe that we will be using for this section of the retaining wall.

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

... and came very very close to giving our hot water and reverse cycle heatpumps a nasty whack!

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

... and this was when I discovered that thieves had taken some of our power tools, which meant that I needed to ask my father in law to come in with his chainsaw to finish off the thicker parts of the fallen wattle. However, this Wolff curved saw blade did make short work of most of the wattle! I'm still surprised how good this saw is... I probably need to look after it better and oil it a bit... definitely one of the best tools that I've had in the garden!

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

... and we also have 5 new fruit trees ready for planting in the winter! One lemon, two apples, and two plums... it has been freezing weather, so we have brought them inside into the warmer laundry room until we are finished with digging the holes and having the area ready to plant!

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

They will go up on our back fence... these are dwarf versions, so they will only grow a few metres tall at most, and now that the wattle branch that was hanging near here has fallen, it is quite open to light!

The soil is pretty good at the top, but gets to be rocky and clay-like... which needs the mattock to break up before shovelling out. That is another of my favourite tools!

Apparently, to do a proper planting of the trees... you need quite a deep and wide hole. And we do want to do this properly, as these things are pretty damn expensive!

Dealing with a fallen tree, and planting new ones!.jpg

Only three more big holes to dig... sigh, I want this to be easy like a computer game... where is my digging menu and pointer?

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Handy Crypto Tools

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ByBit: Leverage and spot trading, next Binance?
OkX: Again, another Binance contender?

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