Admiring the new blooms!

There is something quite nice about this bout of warm weather bringing out all the new growth and blooms... our daffodils have already popped out, and recently our first tulip also opened up! A nice splash of red in the a sea of yellow wattle and daffodils! I can already see others starting to open up... but this is the first one!

Every morning, I do a little bit more pruning... and I do a wander around the garden to see what else has decided to show a bit more colour! And this tiger coloured one was a nice surprise! I don't remember it from last year... perhaps there wasn't enough sun getting to this last year for it to show itself properly, but here it is! Quite delicate little petals that are only about a centimetre or so in size!

... and along the bulb rows, this one also popped up... I have no idea what it is, and I didn't think that we had anything other than tulip and daffodil bulbs... but perhaps I had picked up an assorted one of mixed bulbs? Who can remember these things...
Anyway, one of my mature age students said that this was one that she remembered well from her childhood, and seeing them always brought her memories of her younger years!

... meanwhile, great blooming weather also makes for great weed growing weather. And this weird cabbage looking thing has been waiting for me to uproot it... it is huge, and there is another one near the fence line. To be honest, I've been a bit scared of going near it and uprooting it... it looks like it is alive and will snap me down like a Venus flytrap or something. There is something weirdly menacing about it... and so, but avoiding the problem, it is now stupidly huge...
Anyway, I wasn't going anywhere near it with a hand trowel... I got out a proper full length pitchfork and loosened it up and levered it out like that. Maximum distance away...

This area will need to be cleared of grass soon... my wife was going to do it (one of the lighter jobs, so better for her back...), but she has gotten swamped with playing work and is getting a bit stressed out about that. Anyway, I wanted to clear it immediately so that I could build a small path to the water tap (to learn how to make a paths before I try to make a larger one...) and more importantly, to start putting in lavender bush cuttings.
If I don't do them in the coming weeks, I will get too busy to do them... and then we miss our opportunity to do them again for another year. So, even if I'm only clearing a little bit at a time and putting in a few lavender cuttings instead of completing the whole job in one big go... it is better than not doing it at all!
My wife and I have different ways of doing things... I prefer to do constant smaller things... she prefers to do it in one large chunk.
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Looking at this pictures I see nothing but the true nature phenomena, the flowers are amazing, I love the red and white one more
And I think I will also prefer your own way of doing things but sometimes applying your wife's method could also be the best though which ever way we do, we are all aiming at progress, isn't it?☺️
Yep... always progress! Although, sometimes I accidentally go in the wrong direction!