TribalDex - New Liquidity Pools ONEUP:LEO and CINE:SWAP.HIVE
TribalDex brought Liquidity Pools to second layer tokens on Hive blockchains and more dynamics were brought to the space. DeFi is now a part of this blockchain DNA and new pools are rising periodically giving more opportunities for users and investors around here.
The latest LPs that were added to TribalDex are ONEUP:LEO and CINE:SWAP.HIVE pairs.
ONEUP:LEO LP on TribalDex
Depth: 9 380 SWAP.HIVE or $12 475 worth in value
Has rewards: Yes
Has daily bonus: Yes
Average APR: 312.976%
Daily bonus: 1%
Depth: 1 312 SWAP.HIVE or $1 745 worht in value
Has rewards: No
Has daily bonus: No
Average APR: 0%
Daily bonus: 0%
These pools were justed added, one has rewards the other was just established. Thus we have new opportunities and ways of exchanging our second layer tokens with low spread between the BUY and SELL orders.