Secure me......W.E #215.

Hello beautiful people on hive, happy weekend!

The concept of what goes up, surely comes down is not attributed to age. This is because as one grows older, one begins to experience several levels of deterioration both physically, mentally, health wise and financially. The muscles begin to grow slack, the teeth begin to fall off one by one and the skin, the once glowing mass of skin begins to wrinkle out.

This is common knowledge because we come across old people daily but I think sometimes, we get so caught up in our moments that we don't seem to think about that phase of our lives. We realize it only when we must have celebrated our sixtieth birthday and then go ooops, I'm old now.

Ladies feel this impact more than guys as the biological clock begins to wind down to a close, a phase doctors call menopause. This phase comes with it's many difficulties and health challenges that can subsequently affect the physical body and mind, as a woman ages.

Growing old also has another down side to it and this is on the finances. I mean, those old ragedy bones can't do much neither can it bring much to the table. Knowing these facts, do I get worried about my looks or about my financial state when I grow old?

For my looks, my answer would be No. I am one of the very few females that are blessed with beauty and youth to the amazement of others. I am already in my late thirties but I don't look a day older than twenty-two. People ask me if I use some expensive care products or what my beauty routine is that keeps me youthful and pretty but I laugh and tell them that I don't do sll those stuff and that's the reality. My dislike for expensive cosmetic products began when I watched the cat woman, seeing all those side effects just irked me. I use baby care products as they are gentle and mild on the skin. I also eat healthy foods with veggies, exercise and take water regularly. These simple habits have helped to keep me in good shape when it comes to my looks and I can say that it will still be the same when I clock worries there.

For my financial security, I am also not worried because a popular proverb says..

failing to plan, is planning to fail.

Knowing that a time will come when my body won't have the strength needed to work or earn money, it behoves me to start making smart financial plans early on in life, so as not to find myself with the shorter end of the stick. There are lots of investment platforms that I can make a steady income from. There's also web3 platforms like hive, that I can invest in and receive steady returns from. Other smart financial decisions that can set me up for life financially are;

  1. Investing in real estates.

  2. Having a good pension scheme

    • Investing in agriculture*.
    • Investing in the education sector*.
    • Becoming an entrepreneur with my own growing business*.

With all the above listed investment platforms, there is no way that I would struggle to live a relaxed and vacation full life when I'm old and can't earn anymore. It is imperative that we begin early to set up financial strategies that will ensure our financial security during old age.

It breaks my heart to see some parents who are overly and totally dependant on their struggling children and when these children fail to render help due to one circumstance or the other, they are tagged as unfilial. This could have benn well avoided, had those parents made some smart financial decisions early on in life. I don't want to live my old age bugging my kids or grandkids for financial support, rather I want to still be valuable and support their goals and aspirations instead.

Thank you all for reading.

Images are mine.


@kenechukwu97 please come and give more financial advice 😁


Lol... I'm going through the post and someone is really shining from hair to toe.


Lol, abeg o. It is the Lord's doing.

Thanks a lot


Hehehe. Even at sixty, you will be looking sweet sixteen with your skin glowing and radiating. That's the beauty of nurturing and taking care of your body at the early stage so as not to look old even than your age.
People also do not believe when I tell them my age because I look so younger than my present age. Lol
I love it too. Eating healthily and performing little exercises to keep fit are necessary.

Also, he who fails to plan, plans to fail especially in the aspect of finance. Now, we have the strength to accumulate wealth, venture in healthy investments now so we won't have to bother years to come when the strength is not there. Keep shining on ❤️


You have an interesting and solid final plan for you. One of the things that make it easier to manage our finances on a long-term is to have a house of our own. If you don't have to pay rent, that would surely take care of most of your financial issues for a very long time.

You mentioned Pension schemes and that's very insightful. However, the sort of pension scheme that's provided by Employers or government is no longer a good option to explore. Think of the pensioners in Nigeria. A lot of them are getting paid peanut and they are now forcing themselves back to the labour market with the "retired but not tired" claim.

If you want a pension scheme that will be fully controlled by you, it would be best to plan and execute it yourself. Crypto could be a good alternative. Same goes for the investment and establishment of businesses.

In Africa, many parents end up being fully financially dependent on their kids. This is mostly due to poor financial planning. You plan to be different and I would like for that to be a success. Well Done oooo


Wow, your insightful comment is very much appreciated boss.

Thank you so much. Happy Sunday and have a blissful new week👍


Don't look like someone in her late thirties 😶😶😶 seriously you look like someone in her early twenties, I love your body and stature it's amazing🥰
