Forever home

I love going home after being away for a period of time; I always get the feeling of belonging, comfort and a sense of contentment. It's one of the joys of going away, travelling abroad or away from home for any length of time - the homecoming.

It's a little bit the same when I go home to the small town I think of as my true home, where I was born; I feel in place when I do even though it has changed from when I lived there.

Becca MacGlashen.jpg

I took this image

It's not a big place, even now, and most people know each other; there's gossip and people get involved with each other's business but that's a small town through and through I suppose and I'd rather that than have many thousands of people around I don't know and who don't care.

People say hello in the street, they have time to stop and talk and they help each other because they want to; it's something I don't find in the city where people seem so caught up in their own lives they don't seem to care about those around them.

In my home town people connect more, they invite each other for tea and scones, they speak with solidarity about small things like how congested the main street gets on the weekends when out-of-towners come to see the sights and they talk about how valuable those people are to the local economy in the same breath. They complain about the Christmas decorations the town put up each year but help put the very same ones up year after year and stand back clapping each other on the back at how good it looks and they always speak with happiness about living in the town.

There's a million little things that make small towns unique and it's all those little things that welcome me home when I'm able to return.

I'm not sure I'll ever live in my home town again but I'll visit often and have the same conversations at the general store, the post office, the fish and chip shop...which happens to be the very same shop for all three. It's going to be my home forever and no matter where I go that will never change.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


I have visited small villages and lived there for a few days but never for long periods... I am attracted by the idea of peace and all that you say in your words. Although I love this city where I live now I feel it as my home, I would like to try that small town feel. I loved your words, thank you.

The song and the video are beautiful!

Thank you Becca.💗


It’s the people that make small towns nicer places to live, maybe because there’s less people and they all mostly know each other. There’s less pretentiousness and people are just more down to earth and friendly I guess. They have their issues and there’s often far less in the way of services and things to do but I’m ok with that.

Becca 🌷


I would love to experience that, I think it suits me. Hugs!

"In my home town people connect more, they invite each other for tea and scones, they speak with solidarity about small things like how congested the main street gets on the weekends when out-of-towners come to see the sights and they talk about how valuable those people are to the local economy in the same breath."

Gosh... isn't that what it's all about? I know we preach community on our blockchain... I do, and I truly mean it! But I love how your posts always carry a level of awesome... real-life, in them. Appreciate your words, and you... dear soul.


Maybe listen to this...


Hello Wes and thank you for your lovely message.

I'm not one to feel that social media is all that social at all, I live in the real world and my relationships always seem more human in person and so I don't have any social media except for Hive which I don't really use much at all. I think connections should be more meaningful than the cursory and impersonal ones that happen on social media.

Becca 🌷


After reading him I want to turn around and go back, how nostalgic I am for the street where I was born, the house where I grew up, the family that loved me...only nothing is there anymore.

Now I have "a new home" full of things I inherited from all of them, but where I am also happy.

I also love my people even if one day I have to leave them behind.

How delightful it is to come home after a few days away!
Your things, your bed, your bathroom, the tranquility.

The divine music! Perfect for your post.



Coming home is so wonderful; travelling away is also, but coming home to my own things like you's lovely.

Thank you for your comment, I always appreciate the positivity you bring in your comments.

Becca 🌷
