Mothers, STOP! Irritating your children. A true life story by @beautiefair

Greetings mothers in the house.

I hope you all are having an amazing week.
Well, I am New, and still trying to find my way around the Hive platform. I came across this community and I saw it necessary to share a real life story with the mothers here. You can visit my blog to know more about me.

I am not a mother by merit simply because I have not given birth as I am still single., but I am a mother by heart because I can take good care of children and I love kids.

I am sharing a true life story here, so that mothers can stop irritating their children due to what they are facing in their marriage.

It started April 2021 when I was employed as a lesson teacher to a beautiful girl named Priceless. Check our image below.


She is such a beautiful and sweet girl, but then I noticed she was withdrawn most times with her studies. She was just 4yrs old when I started. Her mum will complain of how unintelligent she was and how she is unable to do her maths. My dear mothers, if you see how the mother of priceless beats her, you will question if she was the original mother of the child. Well, months passed by and I kept teaching and loving her. I was no longer her lesson teacher, but her best friend. I made myself available so that she will be free to share anything with me. The lesson continued up until this year, and I became fond of priceless. Infact I came to love her as my own, same with her. The shocking things she told me got me wondering.

She opened up to me, and told me she has never being to school for the past 2yrs, and her mum beats her all the time. She also told me that her mother does not like her, and beats her all the time. She told me mum beats her, because she looks like her daddy and daddy does not care about her. How shocking those words are! She also told me how the gate keeper touches her breast. Well, to save this little pretty soul, I decided to talk to her grandmother and grandfather who became really helpful. This little girl was going through emotional stress, and could not reveal anything to her mother because she is scared. Well, Help came at last as the grandmother is in custody of the girl.

Why did I share this story? Parents, especially mothers should be careful with the kind of things they tell their children. No matter what a mother is going through in marriage, workplace or emotionally, try as much as possible to make your children happy, so that they will not be scared of expressing how they feel. Priceless was going through a lot, and which affected her studies. I made sure I gave her a listening ear. Mothers, please stop irritating your children.

Indeed priceless became happy again😊


Thank you very much for reading and supporting a new Hiver!

See you in my next post ❤️

0.000 PAL


I felt emotional while reading this....🥺🥺look how beautiful she is was she the one that created herself why will the mom do that to her?
As of that gatekeeper he should be Arrested and sacked because he just abused a child.
I just pray she heal from such emotional pain.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

0.000 PAL

My dear. The little went through emotional stress.

0.000 PAL

Thank you for sharing this story that opens the eyes of more than one of us.

Our children are our greatest treasures, we must love and respect them.

They are not to blame for the problems at home.

Greetings @beautiefair, hope that cute princess is already better.

0.000 PAL