Questions to be asked in a relationship


Knowing your partner involves asking questions. I will be listing some questions you can ask your partner during the process of relationship.


Ask what his ambition is

There is a proverb that says “behind every successful man, there is a woman” .


This is for you

How successful have you been able to help him achieve his dream? Women are created to be helpers if you trace down to the beginning male. Adam doing the task alone caused over-stress. The woman was created to help. When with your partner ask him what is his dream, what does he want to achieve in the next few years is a question you should ask.

See in your capacity how to help

Helping doesn’t implies you take most of the task but you can suggest ways for him, keep reminding him about it how he should wake daily in pursuit of his dreams. Things you could also do to help him achieve it with your support.

Know each others tribe

It very important to know the tribe of your partner especially where your partner comes from. If possible enquire about the tribe. I got myself a bit embarrassed when I was asked the tribe of my partner in an event and I couldn’t answer. I tell you I wasn’t comfortable at that moment.

Ask about his plans to achieve his Ambitions

It’s one thing to have an ambition and it’s another thing to achieve it. Ask your partner progress on plans to achieve his ambitions.


It becomes fun when you and your partner have similar dreams but you can still have different ambitions and the relationship still going well. I am literally referring to a situation where if your personal ambition requires you travelling out to achieve it, you can put in on a hold and help the man achieve his first as you are together.

This was a news I read online about a lady who travelled abroad to pursue her ambition.


Photo By Ayo Wummy

By doing this, he will also establish your ambition but if you don’t have one, help the man achieve his. It seems they are closer to the creator than we in the sense that a hardworking man who even doesn’t know God can work hard just believing that he will make it.

It’s a rule for such who does his business diligently to be rewarded in multifold. If it’s a man that knows the creator of the unverse, he used to be more blessed to even support others.

I got the inspiration to write this for the single ladies of hive in order to help them maintain their relationship via the means of helping achieve each other’s ambitions.


Photo By Me

Important tip

Please note that you can only sacrifice what will cost you when you are finally married to each other. This is to prevent heart break.

I read of a lady who supported a man achieve his dreams and when he came back, he paid her a whooping sum not willing to marry her again. This left her in tears till this moment.
Thanks for reading.
