How Do We Make Our World Better


I have read much as regards how women are been segmented in societal positions if you go to some places, it’s only the men that fills key positions with good pay neglecting the woman to jobs like customer service, public service attendant, computer operator and the likes though there are still some women that fills better position but out of 10 only a few I have seen.


I also came to think of it that without the woman, no way the men can clamor for any position but why the sentiment when it gets to real life? This will make me consider the following.

What should be done in order to balance the gap of sentiment amongst women in the society?

Rise above your aspiration

I am sure every ladies of hive has a goal embedded with target? Do not just stop there. If you have a goal of becoming a hair stylist, fashion designer, trader or a teacher, aspire to be advance in your goal digitally that’s the direction where technology is heading you become popular when you rise above your aspirations..


I know this will require a price to be paid but no good thing comes without sacrifice attached. But if you are ready to pay the price, then you must be ready for the sacrifice involved.

Rise above limitation

Some ladies actually have good dreams but it seems there is some kind of limitation they encounter which makes them depressed around the current level.

I once had the problem of environmental limitation when I wanted to learn IT skills because it seems that’s the hottest skill in the world market.


I had the limitation of environment where I lived before power was given once in two days and I couldn’t cope after finding what I love doing the most, I had to switch location to where I could get a good source of power and trust me am doing fine learning my skills in combination with making post on hive too everyday. If I was still living there, I wouldn’t have been making post on my blog everyday.
To erase societal sentiment, we must rise above our limitation(s).

Be nice to people

There is this belief that who you know might pave way for your achievement of goals but it’s not all true. you can know someone trust in the person for a good connect. What comes out later maybe disappointments full in bags.

This doesn’t stop you from been nice to people in your capacity.


I wish everyone on hive a happy weekend day.


Thanks for stopping by.


There is a big gap between men and women. Many times they say it is discrimination, but I don't really know if that is true. Maybe because when I want something I go for it and I don't stop at what they tell me.


Yes it's all about discrimination, but if we want to achieve our goals to higher dimension, it presents our significance in the society. When you rise to a higher dimension, definitely you will be needed.
