The Paradise of Small Animals

A simple thing can sometimes be something special for others. Like weeds that can be a paradise for the residents around it. Maybe for us, plants that grow wild are just annoying. Make the yard look bushy and neglected. But, for the little residents inside. It is a home, a playground, even a place where they spend the rest of their lives.


This weekend, I went to campus to look for sapodilla fruit around the campus. It was a sunny day with the scorching sun shining on every wet spot that had been raining a while ago. Yes, my place has entered the rainy season. Weather is unpredictable. In the morning you can see a clear blue sky. But moments later, black clouds quickly clump together to spill the water.


Thanks to the rain that falls every day, the grass around my campus looks greener and fresher. They thrive like plants that get enough fertilizer.

Within the lush grass, there was so much life that I found. They seem to depend on each other to create good life around them. I found some insects in this patch of weeds.

Bees looking for nectar.


The crickets are enjoying the sun.


Carpenter bee flying in search of nectar.


I also found other insects such as butterflies, ladybugs, and beetles. I guess there are more animals that my eyes haven't seen. It is the perfect place for small animals. Away from humans and get enough morning sun.

There are also many kinds of flowers that bloom from the weeds. Because it was still early, the flowers were blooming beautifully in that place.







Nature will grow in its way without our need to regulate. Over time, the old grass will die. Will be replaced by seeds that will grow into young grass. It provides wild beauty and everything the surrounding residents need. Can we be like that? Be friendly with those around without destroying them. I'm sure we can. We can learn from the little things that are around us without destroying anything. Just Beauty.



Thank you for reading my blog. I would love to see you in my next post. Stay safe and keep healthy.

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