Red and Bold Before it Ends
Hello everyone, This is my first post in the Love The Clouds community. It's great that I can see different forms of clouds from many places in this community. I like to take random photos without planning to take them. One of them is taking pictures of clouds that never stop moving. You can't predict what kind of cloud it will form. Their shape is random, but that's what makes clouds beautiful.

Today the sun shines brightly from morning to evening. As the sun began to set, a tinge of red revealed its charm. From the top of the balcony, I could see the colors getting darker as time went on.
When dusk came, the clouds slowly gathered on the western horizon. The sky looks bright blue with few clouds.
As the twilight grew older, the clouds matured and darkened with the red sky. Letting go of day to start a new night.
Location: Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Camera: Google Pixel 3A
Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. I would love to see you in my next post. Stay safe and keep healthy.
0.043 PAL
so wonderful! I imagine the first pictiure as a monster cloud eating a small cloud. No , pacman perhaps
I didn't realize until you said it. The clouds eat the smaller clouds and make them bigger.