I Made Donuts With Ceam Topping


Hello everyone, today marks my first day back in my hometown after nearly a few months of living in the city. My sister and I decided to make donuts as a snack to enjoy this afternoon. Although I'm not a novice at making donuts, this time I tried a different approach. Usually, I use a mould to make sure all the doughnuts are the same size, but this time I decided to go by estimation.


Here's a list of the ingredients and the steps:

Donut Ingredients:

  • 25 tablespoons of bread flour
  • 1 tablespoon of instant yeast
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter

Topping Ingredients:

  • 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar (finely ground)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of milk



  1. Prepare all the ingredients and mix them in a bowl, stirring until well combined. Begin by mixing the flour, yeast, egg yolk, milk, and salt. I forgot to take a photo of this process as I was too focused on blending the ingredients.

  2. Once the ingredients are mixed, stir and knead the dough until it becomes somewhat elastic. Then, add the butter and continue kneading until the dough absorbs the butter and becomes soft and elastic.

  3. When the dough is no longer sticky, let it rest for 30 minutes, covering it with a clean cloth or a lid to allow it to rise.

  4. After 30 minutes, take the risen dough and divide it into small portions according to the desired size of the donuts.

  5. Shape the small portions of dough into round balls. To ensure uniform size, make sure the measurements are consistent.

  6. Place the dough balls on a floured surface to prevent sticking and let them rest for another 15-20 minutes until they rise again.

  7. Once risen, flatten the dough to release trapped air and shape it into flat circles. Even though I didn't use molds, this method ensures all the donuts have a similar size.

  8. Lastly, let the donuts rest again for 30-45 minutes until they rise even larger.

  9. After 30 minutes, create a hole in the center of each dough to form a donut shape.

  10. Heat oil in a pan and fry the donuts over low heat until they are perfectly cooked.

  11. To achieve an even color, use a timer for 2 minutes on each side of the donut. When one side turns golden brown, flip it to the side that's still white.

  12. Remove the donuts when both sides are golden brown.

  13. Repeat these steps for all the donuts.

While waiting for the donuts to cool, I made the topping by mixing finely ground sugar, butter, and milk until it formed a creamy texture.


Despite the topping not being perfectly smooth, it still tasted delightful.



Finally, brush the top of the donuts with the finished cream. I'm happy to share the results of my donuts today. Despite some shortcomings, like the less-than-smooth topping, the donuts I made look enticing. I'm thrilled to see improvement and my enthusiasm to continue learning and enhancing the taste and appearance of my donuts.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I would love to see you in my next posts. Be kind and stay happy

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