From Garden to Plate - The Dining Rituals of Snails Devouring Mushrooms


Hello mushroom lovers!

It's been a while since I last posted in this community, ever since I ventured off to the city and left my hometown behind. But after deciding to head back home and settle in the village last Sunday, I'm excited to share again about mushrooms here. Finally, I'm back in touch with nature, feeling its lively vibes.

Lately, the rains have been pouring, though the days are scorching hot, but come evening, it's often cloudy and rainy. On my way back to the hometown last Sunday, I even witnessed and passed through a district flooded due to the recent overflow of the river. Some houses and gardens in that area were still submerged, with the water starting to darken. Here are some pictures I snapped during the trip.

Where I am, the rain's still falling at a regular pace, coaxing the growth of some mushrooms, especially those sprouting on decaying wood. The wood's getting damp, and the mushrooms are flourishing.

I found these mushrooms behind the house, growing on the decaying rubber tree trunk with some critters munching on them. I also stumbled upon some snails around, clearly enjoying their mushroom feast. They seemed to be savoring every bite.

Not only that, I also bumped into two wood beetles in the same area. Not sure if they were munching on the mushrooms too, but they looked content hanging out on the damp, decaying wood.

I can't wait to see what other mushrooms will sprout from behind the wood and dry leaves as the rainy season continues to pour down.

All images were taken using the Google Pixel 3A camera


Thank you for taking your time to read and support my blog! I would love to see you in my next post.
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0.023 PAL


It is good that you experienced rainy situations my friend, the mushroom plants will truly grows because of the cool season brought by the rain in your place.

0.000 PAL

Indeed, the rain that falls will stimulate the growth of mushrooms after the hot weather.

Thanks for stopping by.

0.000 PAL

That's some beautiful looking fungi right there. Wonder if they're edible?

0.000 PAL

This mushroom grows a lot here, and I know there are some small animals that eat it. But I'm not too sure if it can be consumed.

0.000 PAL