
That is life

The drawing shows the normal course of life, someone has washed an apple and is going to eat it, and someone is trying to sit on your apple and lay their larvae, but everything has its own alternative, for example, a fly swatter.
Collection: Author's drawings in pencil with a graphite rod on paper from @barski.
Creator: @barski
Total Edition(s): 1000
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Edition #
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barski 1 Private 5000 PAL ($0.117)
barski 2 Private 10000 PAL ($0.234)
barski 3 Private 30000 PAL ($0.703)
barski 4 Private 40000 PAL ($0.938)
barski 5 Private 50000 PAL ($1.172)
barski 6 Private 100000 PAL ($2.345)
Per Page:
@barski tokenized 1000 editions
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