La Ensenada
When you finally fulfill your dream it's like it's hard to believe. I really can't believe this is where I will be living in a year or two. It's so beautiful and peaceful. Being there really feels like heaven. The place is huge, with a view of different landscapes, with trees hundreds of years old, with a water channel that runs inside at the foot of the ranch, a very strong sun, a very clear sky... A magical dream.
I love animals and having contact with them is always magical and wonderful and there I met cows, sheep, goats, horses and many birds.
The Andes mountain range is my favorite place in the world and they are there. A little more snowfall than the previous time I came.
Digital photography + homemadefilter
Looking forward to return very soon :))))
Bárbara Bezina ♥
canva / twitter / blog / makersplace / Objkt / nftshowroomHere
Your photography is very beautiful, the white horse looks like a flying horse
Thank you! ❤️ 🐎
Well... I came to tell you that I'm glad you have achieved that dream. You know I admire your work, and these pictures have that dreamy halo... how beautiful you do it, eh? You have an art that I love to admire.
Awww thank you so much for those beautiful words, Nanix! 🥹❤️✨
😊 I just said what I feel.
Que hermoso lugar, me encanta la paz que transmite y amo los animales tambien...
Se ve bastante soleado y caluroso, quizas podrias tomar ventaja de eso y algun dia instalar algunos paneles solares para la electricidad del rancho.
Es un muuuuy hermoso lugar. ❤️ Los animales son lo más!
Y claro que si! en esta zona el sol es muy fuerte y el cielo es de los más limpios del mundo - hay observatorios astronómicos por esa razón - así que los paneles solares se usan mucho. En nuestra casa, dónde vivimos ahora tenemos paneles desde hace varios años y, por supuesto, pondremos en la casa de La Ensenada. ☺️
Me mue ❤️
Pa morirse la verdad! 🥹❤️