"American beauty"


The expressive look of beautiful female eyes has always worried me. Artists know how many impressions can be conveyed to the viewer with a drawn look.
American artist Walter Francis Kuhn (1877 - 1949) painted exclusively circus and vaudeville artists, became famous and went down in the history of painting. If Kuhn worked at a time of active "confrontation between two systems, capitalism and communism," then critics and art historians would probably say that "an advanced artist painted the world of American show business by sticking out metaphors and ripping masks from hypocritical media", and so on. here's the spirit. It is possible that in a rebellious anti-globalization spirit, Kuhn would still be relevant today.

"American Beauty". Painting by Walter Francis Kuhn
photo source https://ita-lit.livejournal.com/159565.html

"American Beauty" is one of the most popular of all surviving paintings by Walter Kuhn. The impression that the woman depicted on the canvas took a drug like cocaine or opium in order to relieve the stress of a difficult artistic life. Or she dripped belladonna extract into her eyes to make them more expressive, because the actress needs to look good on stage.
In that distant era of the mid-20th century, there was still no fitness craze. The slenderness of the body then did not testify to the high social status of the owner and the figure of the "American Beauty" probably looked perfect ... But now the actress from the artist's canvas seems a little heavy to me, but this is nothing really, just fashion.

"American Beauty" with a face reminded our contemporaries, actress Nicole Kidman. In my opinion, both women have similar facial contours and eyes.

photo source https://www.film.ru/person/nikol-kidman

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