Mystery Of Easter Island (Mystical Rapa Nui )


Hello everyone ! i hope you all are doing
In the age of technology, the earth has started to seem small to all of us, but there are still many places which are isolated from the whole world, some unsolved mysteries are also buried in similar places,


one of these mysteries is the mystery of Easter Island.
This island is located in the South Pacific Sea, it is 15 miles long and 10 miles wide, it stands completely apart from the world, the island closest to it is also located at a distance of 1400 miles, no one lives on it.


The island was merged with Chile in 1888.
In fact, huge stone idols are found on Easter Island, which are made in the form of a big head, their number is 887 and these idols are found all over the island, the special thing is that only the head of these idols is visible.

Many secrets are buried on this island, in which scientists have claimed to solve half the mystery and the rest are still incomprehensible to everyone.
The height of the head of these idols is up to 30-40 feet, these idols are called MOAI.
When this island was discovered in 1722, these idols present on this island had surprised everyone that what was the reason for making only heads and who made them and why and the weight of these idols is not more than 100 body.
Stones made of cold lava were used, but how such stones were brought here, how such huge huge idols were carried from one place to another or it is still a mystery because the volcano from which these stones were brought That volcano is located at a distance from the present place of these idols and from there how they were installed from place to place.

But the question arises that why such idols were built on this deserted and mysterious island, only a few years ago, scientists had claimed to solve the problems associated with it, after digging these idols under the big heads, their bodies. were also found, but this gave rise to an even bigger question that why they were buried under the soil, more questions were being raised here than the answers, the language of this island was also completely different from the whole world.
Because of this, the old graves of the island were excavated and their DNA samples did not match at all with the American people, so it means that they were not native here, but they belonged to the Polynesian. After all, how did such a large population reach so far and that too thousand years before the Europeans, some experts believe that aliens may have a hand in making huge statues, but not everyone is unanimous on this matter. What giant statues were made by the ancient runes. It is currently a World Heritage Site. Much of island is under National Park. In modern times the island is a living place of cultural and environmental damage caused by over-exploitation of resources. For example, although this theory is now facing a serious challenge from scientists, according to them, the diseases brought by European countries and the decrease in the number of native inhabitants during the century had a much greater social impact than the environment. island forest Although different things are said by the experts of the world, at that time they must have been transferred from one place to another, this idol was built during that time, there was no means of transport at that time. Nor was any modern technology manufactured and transported from one place to another.
Of these, 7 idols were installed on the seashore, whose face is towards the sea, it is said that these 7 idols were erected as a guard for the protection of the island.

A large statue has been found which could not be completed due to some reason, if it was completed, its height would have been about 21 meters i.e. 69 feet and its weight up to 270 tons is surprising how the volcanic stone is cut exactly the same way. It was possible to make sculptures that would have been raised in this way and it is surprising to talk about what will happen, which even scientists do not have the answer to.
I hope you like it .
