Coping with hurt in just 8 healthy ways.



Different approaches are used to deal with hurt. Like, we shared on Instagram, guilt-tripping is one and many others that are unhealthy.

BAD Marriage has listed 8 ways to cope better with hurt.

1. Accept it.


This situation was not planned and there is need to accept it for a better objective view to handle it. Most individuals gain some insights by viewing situations objectively.

2. Take time to heal.


Time surely is a healer. Make use of time. This is not a time to get engaged in another form of commitment as certain triggers or situations that may take you back from where you coming from could re-occur.

3. No to seclusion.


During these times, it is tempting to stay away from everyone to lick up the wounds but such move only makes things worse. Instead, take time to lean on trustworthy and supportive network. This could be your family or friend or a group.

4. Get involved in mental and physical development.


This is a time to discover more about yourself by indulging in activities that improves you mentally and physically. Go on a vacation/tour, explore, research, learn a new skill etc.

5. Discover and stay away from triggers until healed.


During the early stages of hurt, there may be unbearable triggers that need conscious attention to deal with for some persons. Do not purposefully expose self to them. Personally or through therapy or counselling, you can overcome them.

6. Start a self-discovery journey.


In these times you can know more about you self.

7. Do not blame yourself.


Take this from us (BAD Marriage), when you hurt is not your fault. It is not a time to see faults but a time to learn and know better. Time of hurt is time for improvement.

8. Prepare for better days.


In simpler terms, be optimistic. You deserve glorious days that are ahead.


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