What matters is being decentralized and borderless | Everything else is bullshit

Don't buy into their stories, it's all dreams that will remain dreams.

You probably won't take my advice being that you're a consumer and that's what we do - buy into dreams that are sold to us.

In my few years of keeping up with crypto and associated technology and industries, I've figured that everything eventually goes to shit and not every builder is building for the long-term.

Seriously, is Youtube not globally accessible? What about Medium? Jump on these social platforms and read the stories, you'll find people “bragging” about building and selling off numerous companies, this is their own way of milking the system, they don't care about the actualization of the product or services they've worked on, they just care about turning a profit because:

Survival Is Winning, Franklin

As comical as it may sound, survival is all that matters, we don't need robots replacing mothers or rockets to take us to Mars, I mean, WTF is really the need to be on Mars?

If you so much want to be on Mars, I'm going to have to believe you've got unethical plans for earth or perhaps are aware of a looming threat.

It's not growth, it's very far from it, it's mostly just survival, from the very structures we built and the circle simply continues.

Build, use for evil, destruction follows build again to escape or dominate. Would you call that growth or basic sad human circle?


I promise you, we won't. There will be more losers than winners at every turn, it's just how these things work.

We should know by now that it's not a flaw, it's part of the design.

For abundance to exist(of one's knowledge), few have to eat enough, and others very little, there will be no time where all will eat little or collectively enough, in agreement to preserve or celebrate abundance together because luxury thrives on the exploitation of many - Google it.

When people say shit like “we're all gonna make it(WAGMI)” they are just selling dreams because that's how to make their exit.

Crypto is a fascinating technology, like literally every new tech that pops up every year, but it's not some sort of solution to century long sad design of human nature.

Crypto's major values stems from it being based on technological designs that allows for decentralized governance to exist, but there's no guarantee it will be and forking away each time only trims the liquidity at each point, look how dried up and tired people already are with L2s and they are not even forks but complimentary chains.

Secondly, the borderless design of crypto is one other of its values. Sincerely, I consider this its strongest selling point.

And that's it!

Everything else is just shit dreams. Of course, it's essential to note that numerous products and services will be developed atop crypto and blockchain technology and some will thrive, but the vast majority will always lose, at every point.

Part of the reason this will happen is because the vast majority are in no place to hold an active position that would enable them to extract maximum value and if they did, the system would naturally seek ways to shake them off of their positions.

No one gets rich if everybody holds, you all just end up being broke and stuck together. Even with lending platforms as debt is a unique instrument to expand value, the risks become exponentially higher, causing only those with enough skin in the game to benefit.

Crypto is undoubtedly going to bring about a major wealth shift, but that will cost the rest of the world sleep.

Winner takes all, there's no abundance for all, just new opportunities that you can either learn, chase and be well positioned to exploit and survive, or live to see others do it and the world remains the same.
