

This is for guys who have genuine intentions for the girl they are going on a date with or intend to go on a date with.

The tips I'm about to give you are not the type that will ask you to change your personality or pretend to please a girl.

You are wonderful the way you are and if she does not see it, then it is her loss.

If you do not have genuine intentions and you are reading this to deceive a girl, I'm not sorry to burst your bubble, you will not be successful. These tips can only be effective if there are genuine intentions.

I spend a lot of time studying the relationship between males and females around me physically and online and I have come to conclude that the universe intentionally made males and females misunderstand each other to make this love game interesting.

I do not see the 'misunderstanding' between both genders as a terrible thing. I think it will be very boring if males and females thought and spoke alike.

So next time, do not feel frustrated when you do not understand a female, instead, think of it as an interesting game. Then you will start to enjoy it.

Here, I am going to show you the golden stairway to every woman's heart.

This can be tricky, as all women in the world are not the same but there are some general traits every woman has and I'll be sharing them with you.

As I said, these tips will not make you change who you are. Let us just take them as a cheat sheet to help you make the best lasting impression on your first date.

Alright, let's jump into it. Here is how to make her want you more after the first date:


"Women like to talk."

This can vary for different women. An uptight woman may take longer to open up than a carefree woman but it is still a generic trait in every woman to love talking.

On your first date, try to always keep the conversation going and ensure you are listening to

Asking questions will show her that you are following the conversation. Ask her questions about herself. Be interested in her.

If you can keep the conversation interesting, she will get comfortable and when that happens, she will be able to speak more freely and you'll get to know her better.

Girls do not like guys that talk too much so try not to talk too much on a first date. Let her do most of the talking, if possible.

Most importantly, listen when she's talking. She will be very impressed when you remember little details about things she says.


When people fall in love, they always want to express their interest.

On a first date, I advise you to watch how much you express your interest so that you do not chase her away.

You do not want to scare her away. You want to intrigue her and make her interested in you.

So do not overshare information. Do not be too pushy about your intentions. Do not be too much about anything, even if you think she will like it.

Girls like attention but not too much. Do not be too available to her. Let her chase you too.

I know you do not want to come off as someone who does not care but it is the first date, you can not be acting like you are on your fifth date already. Do not be acting too familiar.


Ladies like rich guys but ladies also love ambitious guys.

Except she is a gold digger, every woman appreciates a hard-working man. You can say it is not true but it is.

You do not need to be a millionaire to capture a lady. Millions of money can grab her attention but it will not keep her. Know this and know peace.

Work on yourself. Go to the gym, eat healthily, dress well, get to work, and be intentional about how you look.

When a man works on himself and for himself, he becomes very attractive.

Nothing attracts a woman more than a man who cares about himself and takes actions that shows it.


"What do you want?"

This is one of the dreaded questions people avoid in relationships but I it is very important information, especially when you are on your first date.

Girls hate it when guys act like they do not know what they want. They prefer straightforwardness.

Whatever you want from her, let your words and actions show it.

Now do not be too forward about this, it is the first date. Make your intentions known softly and do not sound demanding.

You have to be very intentional about treating her like a queen. Make her have a good time.

Open the door to the car, pull out the chair for her to sit, ask her if she's enjoying herself regularly, and all those sappy love actions. Do them. Girls love them.

Very important: Never split the bill.

I am very surprised that guys do this. It is not gentlemanly. Even if she insists, do not do it. I am all about equality but I think it's romantic when you spoil her.

It does not have to be overly expensive, just work with your pocket.


A first date can be a step to many others. The best advice is to be yourself and not overthink it.

You might like this girl but she might not reciprocate. Do not take it to heart. Learn to move on and love yourself.

I wish you the best date and I know you will blow her mind away.

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