Being delulu is the only solulu



How I look writing this

The world is changing rapidly, a couple of years ago there was no such thing as digital currency or blockchain, a couple of years before that there was no such thing as Artificial Intelligence. If you had told the common folk at the time that such things would exist, they'd look at you like you were a crazy person, but here we are today, I am sitting in front of my laptop writing on a blogging site on a blockchain, where I can earn digital currency if investors find my work interesting enough. Crazy right? To you, it may not seem crazy, but to someone from the past, if I told them this, they'd look at me and go, "What is a laptop?"

The average man only sees what is in front of them and not what could be in front of them. We have come into a world full of so many resources, but at times it feels like life is a straight road where everyone is just trying to do the same thing and follow the exact same path someone before them took to greatness. They forget that before that person took that path there was literally nothing there and that what worked then may not necessarily work now at least to the same degree (copycats rarely ever have the same effect as the original). Following the path someone else took in itself isn't a bad thing, but it's when you see people's dreams being suppressed or mocked by others simply because they're taking an unfamiliar path that it is a problem. In the society I live in I see it a lot in different aspects. People bring down those who aren't studying "top" courses like Engineering, Medicine, Law and the likes are seen as less even though it is some people's dream. Then there's also this unwritten rule that everyone must go to kindergarten, primary school, secondary institution, tertiary institution, and then find a job and start climbing up the corporate ladder. This is a good framework for some, some become successful this way, but there are others who aren't interested in this and want to try other things, and some of them are seen as delusional and "playing with their future" (whatever that means).

I am of the opinion that once you come of age with some little guidance you should be allowed to steer your life in the direction you are interested in, as ultimately success in that destination is the only success that'll really feel fulfilling.


My advice for anyone who is reading this is to give a little bit of delulu a chance. Because without a little bit of delulu, it'll be hard not to succumb to the noise from the "average (not delulu)" people telling you it is impossible. Being a little bit delulu isn't only helpful with achieving great feats like growing from a young man with an idea to the CEO of a million-dollar company, but also for things as little as relationships. What are the odds that you and your loved one will remain together forever? You both have to remain a little bit delulu every day for it to happen.

So yeah, stay delulu and ignore the noise. keep working towards what you desire no matter how impossible it may seem.



Cover Image created by me using Leonardo AI

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


For real, this is just it oo. We like to listen to everything and that will never give us a balance. Sometimes we just have and need to silent the noise.


True. In the end we're the only ones living our lives.

I am not sure what "Delulu" refers to, and please don't forget to source your images properly, my friend! I will come back later to check...

Samsung S22 Ultra || LunaPic Editor



Oops, not sure how that skipped my mind. I've corrected that.


brother. There is a reason why they say don't share yours aspirations with others. This is because when you tell others, they may end up discouraging you, poisoning your mind and reduce your belief in yourself. So being delusional is quite the solution to this.

Your post was promoted by @hopestylist during the Monday Hangout session and has been curated by lazy-panda. I hope you join us next Monday, 5pm GMT+1.


Exactly that, especially when they're dreams that people haven't seen before.

Thanks for stopping by bro.

Thanks a lot @hopestylist for promoting my post 😁


Kind regards @b0s
These are stimulating reflections, full of much wisdom, that strongly reinforce how important and valuable it is to know, value and love ourselves in our selfhood, in order to strengthen ourselves in our thoughts. Who better than ourselves to spruce up our desires and charge them with lots of positive energy, putting on the hat of attitude and purposeful achievement?. Not everything around us is bad, but not everything is good either, we must strategically sharpen our senses to cope with success and intentionality in our daily lives. Sometimes, although it may sound counterproductive, it is the gaps and the biggest falls that give us the light of change, the path to success and wellbeing. Many lives have found their purpose by serendipity, achieving the projected with the effort of constancy. A well-being not from the look of the otherness, but on the contrary in complete harmony with your inner purpose, there will be the experiential experience that will comfort you and make you happy with what you have achieved.
Team #thoughtfuldailypost thanks you for your valuable contribution to the collective reflective growth. Health and well-being to you and yours !LUV

Saludos cordiales @b0s
Estas son reflexiones estimulantes, llenas de mucha sabiduría, que refuerzan fuertemente lo importante y valioso que es conocernos, valorarnos y amarnos en nuestra mismidad, para fortalecernos en nuestros pensamientos. ¿Quién mejor que nosotros mismos para acicalar nuestros deseos y cargarlos de mucha energía positiva, poniéndonos el sombrero de la actitud y el logro con propósito? No todo lo que nos rodea es malo, pero tampoco todo es bueno. Debemos agudizar estratégicamente nuestros sentidos para afrontar con éxito e intencionalidad nuestro día a día. A veces, aunque suene contraproducente, son los vacíos y las mayores caídas las que nos dan la luz del cambio, el camino hacia el éxito y el bienestar. Muchas vidas han encontrado su propósito por serendipia, logrando lo proyectado con el esfuerzo de la constancia. Un bienestar no desde la mirada de la otredad, sino, por el contrario, en completa armonía con tu propósito interior, allí estará la experiencia vivencial que te reconfortará y te hará feliz con lo logrado.
El equipo #thoughtfuldailypost te agradece tu valiosa contribución al crecimiento reflexivo colectivo. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.
