Career as a Dispute Mediator in Various Fields |
Oath taking at the Faculty of Law, Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia.
The profession as a mediator in resolving various disputes in society is still not widely known due to lack of information even though its role is very much needed in various aspects of life. In fact, the method of resolving disputes through mediation can save the state budget and reduce friction and conflict in society.
Mediators who have received a certificate from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia can apply as mediators to courts and Sharia Courts throughout Indonesia and receive honoraria for their services. The burden on judges can be reduced by having mediators.
"This does not mean that the role of the court is reduced, because the decision resulting from the mediation is confirmed by the court's decision," explained the President of the Indonesian Dispute Council, Sabela Gayo Ph. (19/9/2023).
The results of studies by the Indonesian Dispute Council (DSI) in various regions show that people prefer mediation first if there is a dispute, compared to direct legal resolution. However, the public does not know about this process because there is no adequate information available about the mediator's office, mediation room, and the process of using mediator services to resolve disputes outside of court.
For this reason, Sabela Gayo hopes that the mediators who have just been sworn in can play a role in socializing this profession in society. "Mediators can open mediator offices like legal advisors," said Sabela in front of the audience, including the Chancellor of Malikussaleh University, Prof Dr Herman Fithra Asean Eng.
Sabela added that mediators can also get assignments from the Indonesian Mediators Council which positions itself as an independent institution. It resolves various disputes through mediation, adjudication, conciliation, arbitration and dispute services procedures in 47 fields ranging from procurement of goods and services, construction, customs, migrant workers, and so on.
Since its founding, there are now around 2,800 mediators throughout Indonesia. DSI has also signed cooperation agreements with 70 universities in Indonesia, including Aceh. In Aceh five oath takings have been taken, two in Banda Aceh and Langsa, and one in Lhokseumawe. Sabela hopes that in the near future the oath-taking will take place in Bireuen.
The higher education sector is the focus of recruitment because DSI wants to produce a cadre of mediators from young people, apart from the existence of a long-term research agenda with the campus to strengthen research. It is hoped that collaboration with campuses can produce publications in the form of articles and references about the theory and practice of customary legal mediation in various regions in the archipelago.
According to Sabela, this reference can be a pocket book for mediators, both in District Courts and Sharia Courts, by prioritizing local wisdom. Since the colonial era, many cases have been resolved using customary law mediation. This research will become a wealth of problem solving methodology that can become a world reference.
To become a mediator, you don't only have to have a legal education background, because you also need a mediator with an educational background in communication, psychology, economics, and so on. The variety of disputes that must be handled requires mediators with various educational backgrounds.
Director of the Indonesian Dispute Council (DSI) for Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh Regency for the 2023 - 2026 period, Dr Yusrizal, revealed that the results of his research with a number of lecturers revealed the fact that resolving disputes through the mediation process was able to save the state budget up to tens of millions for one case. "Apart from that, the mediation process reduces the potential for friction and new conflicts in society," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Malikussaleh University.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Malikussaleh University, Herman Fithra, said that being a mediator for lecturers is part of community service. However, he reminded that lecturers assigned as mediators must have permission from the dean, they must not be illegal. This is to support superior accreditation and become the main performance indicator of higher education institutions.
"The Minister also encourages lecturers not only to teach on campus, but to do so outside campus so that their knowledge is up to date, so that what happens on campus and outside campus can be in harmony," said Herman, who appreciated the many alumni of the Faculty of Law at Malikussaleh University who became judges or prosecutor and a career in the judiciary.
Apart from taking the oath, DSI also inaugurated management in areas including Lhokseumawe City, North Aceh Regency, Bireuen, Pidie Jaya and Pidie. Most of the administrators and mediators have legal backgrounds, such as Dr Elidar Sari, Dr Budi Bahreysi, Yusrizal Hasbi MH, Hadi Iskandar MH, and a number of other lecturers.
This activity was attended by court officials in Aceh as well as Panwaslih members from various districts and cities in Aceh Province who also have mediator status for resolving election disputes.[]
Berkarier Sebagai Mediator Sengketa di Berbagai Bidang
Profesi sebagai mediator penyelesaian berbagai sengketa di tengah masyarakat masih belum dikenal secara luas karena kurangnya informasi kendati perannya sangat dibutuhkan di berbagai aspek kehidupan. Padahal, metode penyelesaian sengketa melalui mediasi mampu menghemat anggaran negara serta mengurangi gesekan serta konflik di tengah masyarakat.
Mediator yang sudah mendapatkan sertifikat dari Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia bisa mengajukan diri sebagai penengah ke Pengadilan dan Mahkamah Syariah di seluruh Indonesia dan mendapatkan honor atas jasanya. Beban para hakim bisa berkurang dengan adanya para mediator.
“Bukan berarti peran pengadilan berkurang, sebab putusan hasil mediasi dikuatkan dengan putusan pengadilan,” papar Presiden Dewan Sengketa Indonesia, Sabela Gayo Ph.D ketika mengambil sumpah 49 mediator dan satu likuidator di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh Kampus Bukit Indah, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Senin (19/9/2023).
Hasil kajian Dewan Sengketa Indonesia (DSI) di berbagai daerah, masyarakat lebih lebih memilih langkah mediasi terlebih dahulu jika ada sengketa, dibandingkan dengan penyelesaian langsung secara hukum. Namun masyarakat tidak tahu proses tersebut karena tidak tersedianya informasi yang memadai tentang kantor mediator, ruang mediasi, serta proses menggunakan jasa mediator untuk penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan.
Untuk itulah, Sabela Gayo berharap para mediator yang baru diambil sumpah bisa memainkan peran untuk mensosialisasikan profesi tersebut di tengah masyarakat. “Mediator dapat membuka kantor mediator layaknya penasihat hukum,” ujar Sabela di hadapan hadirin, termasuk Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh, Prof Dr Herman Fithra Asean Eng.
Ditambakah Sabela, mediator juga bisa mendapatkan penugasan dari Dewan Mediator Indonesia yang memposisikan diri sebagai lembaga independen. Pihaknya menyelesaikan berbagai sengketa melalui prosedur mediasi, adjudikasi, konsiliasi, arbitrase, dan layanan sengketa dalam 47 bidang mulai dari pengadaan barang dan jasa, konstruksi, adat, pekerja migran, dan sebagainya.
Sejak berdirinya, kini sudah ada sekitar 2.800 mediator di seluruh Indonesia. Pihak DSI juga sudah menandantangani perjanjian kerja sama dengan 70-an perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, termasuk Aceh. Di Aceh sudah lima kali dilakukan pengambilan sumpah, dua di Banda Aceh dan Langsa, serta satu di Lhokseumawe. Sabela berharap dalam waktu dekat akan dilakukan pengambilan sumpah di Bireuen.
Kalangan perguruan tinggi menjadi fokus rekruitmen karena DSI ingin melahirkan kader mediator dari kalangan muda, selain karena adanya agenda riset jangka panjang dengan pihak kampus untuk penguatan riset. Kerja sama dengan kampus diharapkan bisa menghasilkan publikasi dalam bentuk artikel maupun referensi tentang teori dan praktek mediasi hukum adat berbagai daerah di Nusantara.
Menurut sabela, referensi ini bisa menjadi buku saku bagi mediator, baik di Pengadilan Negeri maupun Pengadilan Syariah dengan mengedepankan kearifan lokal. Sejak zaman penjajahan sudah banyak kasus yang diselesaikan dengan cara mediasi hukum adat. Riset ini akan menjadi kekayaan metodologi penyelesaian masalah yang bisa menjadi referensi dunia.
Untuk menjadi mediator, tidak hanya berlatar pendidikan hukum, sebab dibutuhkan juga mediator dengan latar pendidikan komunikasi, psikologi, ekonomi, dan sebagainya. Beragamnya ruang sengketa yang harus ditangani membutuhkan mediator dengan berbagai latar pendidikan.
Direktur Dewan Sengketa Indonesia (DSI) Kota Lhokseumawe dan Kabupaten Aceh Utara Periode 2023 – 2026, Dr Yusrizal, mengungkapkan hasil penelitiannya bersama sejumlah dosen mengungkapkan fakta bahwa penyelesaian sengketa melalui proses mediasi mampu menghemat anggaran negara sampai puluhan juta untuk satu kasus. “Selain itu, proses mediasi mengurangi potensi gesekan dan konflik baru di tengah masyarakat,” ujar dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh tersebut.
Sementara Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh, Herman Fithra, mengatakan menjadi mediator bagi dosen merupakan bagian dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Namun ia mengingatkan, dosen yang ditugaskan sebagai mediator harus ada izin dari dekan, tidak boleh liar. Hal ini untuk mendukung akreditasi unggul dan menjadi indikator kinerja utama perguruan tinggi.
“Mas Menteri juga mendorong dosen tidak hanya mengajar di kampus, tapi berbuat di luar kampus sehingga ilmunya up date, sehingga yang terjadi di dalam kampus dan di luar kampus bisa selaras,” ujar Herman yang mengapresiasi banyaknya alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh yang menjadi hakim atau jaksa serta berkarier di lembaga pengadilan.
Selain pengambilan sumpah, DSI juga melantik kepengurusan di daerah yang meliputi Kota Lhokseumawe, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Bireuen, Pidie Jaya, dan Pidie. Para pengurus dan mediator sebagian besar berlatar hukum seperti Dr Elidar Sari, Dr Budi Bahreysi, Yusrizal Hasbi MH, Hadi Iskandar MH, dan sejumlah dosen lainnya.
Kegiatan itu dihadiri para pejabat pengadilan di Aceh serta anggota Panwaslih dari berbagai kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Aceh yang juga berstatus mediator untuk penyelesaian sengketa pemilu.[]