Between the Aroma of Coffee and Election Ink: Story |


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Voting day has passed on February 14 2024. The black ink—as a sign that you have exercised your right to vote—has disappeared from your fingers. However, the tension had just begun when the votes were counted.

The recapitulation of vote counting in several regions continued until morning. The organizers didn't get enough sleep, bags started to form in their eyes, and their body temperature followed the political temperature.

In such situations, cafes are a great escape. In a cozy corner of the cafe, the aroma of coffee dances in the air, creating a warm atmosphere. There we were, sipping coffee while sharing stories, not always about the election.

Jida, who likes pandan coffee, made me replace Sanger espresso which has become my favorite drink. You don't understand sanger, but simply put, it is a typical Acehnese cappuccino with a strong coffee aroma and a taste like first love that is hard to forget.

In this small cafe, I always choose sanger espresso and now I tried pandan coffee which smells like a bride on the first night which brings romance amidst the hustle and bustle of the election stages. Coffee, with all its fragrance, was a silent witness to our conversation.

As a coffee lover, I think @zainalbakri has a fragile level of faith. He said he enjoyed black coffee. But now he has turned into a modern coffee drinker with pandan coffee. In a cup of pandan coffee. Maybe he found a feeling full of memories, maybe even a dream in a time of change.

The black election ink may no longer be remembered after its traces are lost in the folds of time. But the coffee liquid, which has now turned pandam color, will be firmly imprinted in memories that will continue to be repeated, just like the aroma of coffee wafting through the air, perched on the top of the nose, then sent to the ocean of the heart and eternal within it.[]

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Di Antara Aroma Kopi dan Tinta Pemilu

Hari pencoblosan sudah berlalu pada 14 Februari 2024. Tinta hitam—sebagai tanda sudah menggunakan hak pilih—sudah lenyap dari jari. Namun, ketegangan baru saja dimulai ketika penghitungan suara dilakukan.

Rekapitulasi penghitungan suara di beberapa daerah berlangsung sampai pagi. Para penyelenggara kurang tidur, mata mulai diganduli kantong, suhu tubuh pun mengikuti suhu politik.

Dalam situasi seperti itu, kafe adalah tempat pelarian yang menyenangkan. Dalam sudut kafe yang nyaman, aroma kopi menari di udara, menciptakan suasana yang penuh kehangatan. Di sanalah, kami menyesap kopi sambil berbagi cerita, tidak selamanya tentang pemilu.

Jida, yang suka dengan kopi pandan, membuatku untuk mengganti sanger espresso yang sudah menjadi minuman favorit. Kalian tidak mengerti sanger, tapi mudahnya, itu adalah capucino khas Aceh dengan aroma kopi yang kental dan rasa seperti cinta pertama yang sulit dilupakan.

Di kafe kecil ini, aku selalu memilih sanger espresso dan kini mencoba kopi pandan yang harumnya seperti pengantin di malam pertama yang menghadirkan romantisme di tengah-tengah hiruk-pikuk tahapan pemilu. Kopi, dengan segala keharumannya, menjadi saksi bisu dari obrolan kami.

Sebagai pecinta kopi, @zainalbakri kupikir memiliki kadar keimanan yang rapuh. Katanya ia penikmat kopi hitam. Tapi kini ia pun berubah menjadi penenggak kopi kekinian bersama kopi pandan. Dalam secangkir kopi pandan. Mungkin ia menemukan rasa yang penuh kenangan, mungkin juga mimpi di masa perubahan.

Tinta pemilu yang hitam mungkin takkan lagi dikenang setelah jejaknya hilang dalam lipatan waktu. Tapi cairan kopi yang kini berubah warna pandam, akan terpatri kuat dalam kenangan yang akan terus diulang, sebagaimana harumnya kopi yang menguar di udara, bertengger di puncak hidung, lalu dikirim menuju samudra hati dan kekal di dalamnya.[]

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It's amazing how the social aspect of Hive allows us to have a look at how normal life happens in other countries, thank you for sharing the election process in Indonesia, where exactly are you from, friend?


Thank you master -- @anomadsoul -- for commenting on my post. It's an honor for me. Elections in Indonesia ran safely, despite many reports of fraud. I just connected the moment we enjoyed coffee with the election moment in Indonesia. Political posts are frowned upon on this platform.

Warm regard from Aceh, Indonesia.


I don't think politics posts are frowned upon in here, as long as we are not radical people hehe, everyone has a right to have their own opinion!

Glad you shared this content friend, best regards from Mexico.

By the way, if you want to earn $leo tokens on top of the normal hive rewards, ask me how! :D


I agree, politics cannot be hated, because when cryptocurrency was allowed as a trading asset in Indonesia, it was a political decision.

Wow, I just found out @anomadsoul is from Mexico, a beautiful country: soccer, tequilla and drug cartels. These are the three things I always remember about Mexico. Hopefully someday I can get there, for example, after making a profit from cryptocurrency trading.

Oh yeah, I'm definitely curious about $Leo. Tell me what should I do?
