A Piece of History in Soekarno's Room: Photography |
The city of Bireuen in Aceh, Indonesia, is known as the City of Struggle because this area is full of history and struggles to maintain independence. The Pendopo or Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen is one of the historical places because it was where the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, once had his office.
The Pendopo or Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen has Dutch architecture because this building did experience improvements during the Dutch occupation. This building has four rooms, each called the Soekarno Room, Colonel Husin Yusuf's room, the Customary Room, and the Radio Rimba Raya room.
Radio Rimba Raya is actually located in Pintu Rime Gayo District, Bener Meriah Regency. Radio Rimba Raya also has historical value because it is a mouthpiece that informs the world that the Republic of Indonesia still stands.
According to historical records, President Soekarno stayed overnight in Meuligoe Bireuen on 17 and 18 June 1948. There, Soekarno devised a strategy with the Military Governor of Aceh, Langkat, and Tanah Karo, Governor Muhammad Daud Beureueh and Colonel Husein Joesoef. They discussed strategies to retake East Sumatra and the Allied/NICA troops.
Soekarno led a mass meeting at Cot Gapu Field, Bireuen, which was attended by thousands of soldiers and civilians from Bireuen, North Aceh, Central Aceh, and Pidie Regency.
In addition to President Soekarno, Meuligoe Bireuen was also visited by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President Joko Widodo. However, the two presidents did not stay overnight in Meuligoe Bireuen.
In the back room of Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen, there is a Museum that stores various historical objects. However, I will post photos and stories about the museum on the next occasion.
When bringing exchange students to Meuligoe, the Regent of Bireuen, a student cried in Soekarno's room. He delved into Sukarno's struggle to maintain independence.
Until now, Soekarno's Room is still often visited by several regional and national figures. Some even stay in Soekarno's Room and feel the historical atmosphere in the iron cemetery. Thanks so much for support me @appreciator. []
Sepotong Sejarah di Kamar Soekarno
Kota Bireuen di Aceh, Indonesia, dikenal sebagai Kota Juang karena daerah ini penuh dengan sejarah dan perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Pendopo atau Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen termasuk salah satu tempat bersejarah karena di situlah Presiden Pertama Republik Indonesia, Sorkarno, pernah berkantor.
Pendopo atau Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen berasitektur Belanda karena bangunan ini memang peningkatan zaman pendudukan Belanda. Bangunan ini memiliki empat kamar yang masing-masing dinamakan Kamar Soekarno, kamar Kolonel Husin Yusuf, Ruang Adat, kamar Radio Rimba Raya.
Radio Rimba Raya sebenarnya terletak di Kecamatan Pintu Rime Gayo Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Radio Rimba Raya juga memiliki nilai sejarah karena menjadi corong yang memberitahukan ke dunia bahwa Republik Indonesia masih berdiri.
Menurut catatan sejarah, Presiden Soekarno menginap di Meuligoe Bireuen pada 17 dan 18 Juni 1948. Di tempat itu, Soekarno menyusun strategi bersama Gubernur Militer Aceh, Langkat, dan Tanah Karo, Gubernur Muhammad Daud Beureueh dan Kolonel Husein Joesoef. Mereka membahas strategi untuk merebut kembali Sumatra Timur dan pasukan Sekutu/NICA.
Soekarno memimpin rapat akbar di Lapangan Cot Gapu, Bireuen, yang dihadiri ribuan pejuang dan masyarakat sipil dari Bireuen, Aceh Utara, Aceh Tengah, dan Kabupaten Pidie.
Selain Presiden Soekarno, Meuligoe Bireuen tersebut juga pernah dikunjungi Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Presiden Joko Widodo. Namun, kedua presiden tersebut tidak sampai menginap di Meuligoe Bireuen.
Di ruang belakang Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen, terdapat Museum yang menyimpan berbagai benda bersejarah. Namun, foto-foto dan cerita tentang museum tersebut akan saya posting dalam kesempatan berikutnya.
Ketika membawa mahasiswa peserta pertukaran mahasiswa ke Meuligoe Bupati Bireuen, seorang mahasiswa sampai menangis di dalam kamar Soekarno. Ia meresapi perjuangan Soekarno dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan.
Sampai sekarang, Kamar Soekarno masih sering dikunjungi beberapa tokoh daerah dan nasional. Bahkan ada yang menginap di Kamar Soekarno dan merasakan suasana bersejarah di ranjang besi tersebut.[]