FrIend Enemies( Sometimes the Best way to Add is to Subtract)

Hello, lovely people on Hive! I hope and trust we are all doing great.
Again, I welcome you to my blog once again; just pardon me if I've been reluctant of late. Sometimes somethings beyond our control will keep us away from getting iin touch, but that won't stop us from loving what we love doing.

Tonight, permit me to talk about something that has been a major concern to me and I'm sure is a problem to most of us. In my caption, I've added the words "friend and "enemies."
In retrospect, before we go any further, I'd like you to pause and consider the meanings of these two words. Of course, they are not the same, but in most cases, these words can be the same.
You're wondering why? So, please allow me to explain why.
How much do you know about or agree with the assertion that not every kiss is meant for love?

Lets reflect on the story Of Jesus and His so called Judas. People around Jesus knew that if there were someone who would betray Jesus, it wouldn't happen among His friends (disciples), but truly, it was the one whom He called or tagged as his friend That betrayed him with a kiss.

I know we have so many examples of stories out there that are similar to the one I've outlined above.

In my local language, we have an adage that goes like "namdo dodo) nti na k)to annya tire" That is, the crab did not get a head because he had too many friends.

We can be successfully supported by our friends, or we can be unsuccessfully supported by those same people.
They're what I call "friendenemies." I know many people who have found themselves in situations they regret for the sake of their friends, but it is too late.

Sometimes in life, it is not always the case that we should add; sometimes the best way to add is to subtract.

This might sound a little confusing, but if you pause a second and reflect or ponder on this, you will realize the best friend you should have is yourself, because you can never hurt yourself.

May we never have these people who appear to us as sheep but are actually wolves out to destroy us.
Be careful about those you call your friends, Because not every kiss is meant to Love
