Time travel and its expressions.
Many times in my city there are portals, portals to other epochs and times in history, mostly to the past. The walks I take in this way are visionary.
This beautifully crafted wooden door opened before me to take me into a world where human and not so human faces and figures would take centre stage.
Past the main door I came across signs indicating that I should go up a strange tube and in this way I could travel in time.
A big sign told me that I would soon see these people, I could walk among them and see them in their experiences, without them being able to see me. But I wasn't so sure about that.
A walk through a time of sorrow, suffering, but above all of very human traits, fiercely human.
I don't know if they were human, but they seemed to be, although many of them seemed to be saints who wanted to know what it was like to be human.
Other people accompanied me on this walk, but each of them was so focused on the scenes they saw that they didn't see me, or each other.
A magical journey and walk out of this reality.
Each person in the place was looking at a window, and each window had a beautiful, antique frame with decorations and glitter of its own. When people did that they were lost in time inside what they saw.
I would look at them from afar and wonder what they saw. I had to see for myself.
Do you see them as they stare absorbedly into each of the frames? I think there's something about those windows. That was going through my mind. So far I had only looked around me on this walk without paying specific attention to anything in particular.
But there were a lot of windows, so I had to investigate some of them.
I approached the man thoughtfully, and I also noticed that he was praying in deep concentration. It must be because of the times we are going through.
This wise man seemed to be writing the history of mankind in the many books he had there, and he led me to the next window.
There I could see someone who seemed to feel guilty with a distressed face, or maybe he had lost something?
A nun was writing about peace as she watched a dove pass over her, and it gave her hope and motivation for her writing.
On my walk I met two men, I think they were monks or priests. They were very concentrated in their prayers and thoughts.
I think I was transported back in time to the same date today, but in a year long ago, though I never knew which year. Could it be that this is how they lived these days in the past?
Many of those who came on my walk were pensive, perhaps reflecting on life in general or on the moment in history.
Others seemed to be guided by angels and I also seemed to see different people as if they were saints or special people for that moment. Their faces were serene.
In this beautiful window, I saw a man but he also looked like what they said at that time were saints, I looked at his head, his face and his crown in one hand.
He was living a path and a walk, out of the ordinary, the people I saw were suffering and had a lot of sorrow.
At this moment I knew why or what was the reason for so many people in that state. No further words were needed. I was in a historic moment that marked a before and after.
I was able to appreciate that moment live through these windows of time, especially those expressions on the faces that said it all. What those people experienced at that moment was captured and felt.
Faces of desolation, of loneliness, of sorrow, of suffering and every time I looked through a frame... sorry window, I could feel a little of what those people lived there.
Appreciate the details, the faces, the human or not so human figures, their clothes, the environment. A walk that transported us to such important events in the history of mankind.
History tells us that many artists have captured these events in paintings and sculptures, so well done that they look like photographs. What do you think, is what I am seeing real or just a painting?
I was able to step out of the windows and back into the real world, where memories of these historic moments awaited me. In one room there were countless items of what I had experienced. But if I had travelled back in time, what did it all mean?
Reality or dream, the truth is that it was an amazing walk, these time travels I really like. They allow me to be in the place, to imagine those situations.
Thank you all for joining me for part of the art exhibition called Fiercely Human. It was spectacular.
Best regards to all and see you next time.
All photographs are my own.
#hive #art #walk #WednesdayWalk
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Thank you very much @pinmapple 😃
Here again @avdesign, Walk to meditate. You said it, fiercely human. A walk out of time, universal and timeless feelings, captured in those windows that never stop telling you their most intimate secrets. A humanity that seeks to communicate with what is not seen. A hug Amonet (Goddess of Mystery)
I admire this kind of art very much, not so much for the religious meaning but for the perfect details of the painting, especially of human figures. That is what I like the most. Thank you very much @enraizar 😃
You don't have to be a religious person to admire these figures, as you say their painting and details are to be admired. To me their expressiveness does evoke things, not religious, but spiritual. Un saludo muy grande @avdesign
Por supuesto, admiro el arte! El año pasado publique algo de este tema. Ahora acabo de llegar, porque al llover muchas procesiones se suspendieron pero abrieron las cofradías para visitar.... habia tanta gente que no pude acercarme ni a tomar una foto. Tenia que estar ahí como dos horas. Lo intentaré el viernes y sino.... nada jaja
No tienes de otros años?
Tengo que buscar jajaja mucho!! Si tengo son del 2019 primer año que vi todo esto y dije oooooohhhh
Si, es oooooooooooooooh!! Las de aquí son un poco plof. A excepción de una, que me gusta por lo sobrio (y terrorífico): la del silencio. Encapuchados en silencio andando por la noche madrileña.
jajajaja como los del Ku Klux Klan? si que son terroríficos.
No, van de morado, creo. Pero dan "respeto" 💀
Hay de todos los colores... depende del día creo y la hermandad.... bueno ... te digo hasta mañana. Buenas noches!!
Buenas noches, estoy atento... soy todo...
👁 👂
What a charming place and what beautiful works you have been able to enjoy, I appreciate that you have shared this journey in time with us dear friend @avdesing
have a beautiful afternoon
Admiring good art is a fascination for me, so good art. Thank you very much @jlufer 😃
Thank you so much @qurator ❤️❤️❤️
Fascinating exploration of time travel and its multifaceted expressions! Your insights into the cultural, literary, and scientific aspects of this concept are thought-provoking. 🕰️🚀
These walks through art and culture and history are fascinating, I like it very much and I enjoy it. Thank you very much for your comment.❤️
The scenes you described are so vivid and touching. Those faces marked by suffering, yet so intensely human in their emotions. I, too, couldn't help but wonder if those figures were truly ordinary people or perhaps saints eager to experience earthly existence firsthand.🙁
I love the art of that period, it is so well done and so faithful to reality that it is surprising. Thank you very much @silviared945 ❤️
Nice walk in the museum thank you for sharing
Thank you to you!!❤️
Amazing art that seeks to capture the drama of being human. This stationery set-up looks awesome too, and it captures the drama of being consumers 😂 I love that they even put quills of different colours. This would be bad for my wallet. Excellent shot!
I can't stop laughing!!!! Consumer drama, it's true, they want to sell everything, even if I focus on art, others are looking for business. Watch your wallet 🤣
Todos los museos son como portales al pasado. Que bellos paseos avesilla y lleno de aprendizaje ...sos muy observadora..te voy a llevar al bosque o o
Me encantan los detalles, me gusta descubrirlos!
Todos los museos son como portales al pasado. Que bellos paseos avesilla y lleno de aprendizaje ...sos muy observadora esas pinturas estan espectacularesy las tomas son muy limpias..te voy a llevar al bosque o o
Dale! De todo tomo fotografías jajaja
I like what you said about looking at paintings being like peeking into some windows. I would have liked it if you had included the titles of the works and authors. 😇
Good point, noted! Thank you very much! And yes for me paintings are windows to another time. Thanks Nani!❤️
Buenos días @avdesing
No te dejé este comentario ayer porque no es para tener una conversación. Retomo lo del párroco. Ayer, a primera hora, se acercó el sacerdote de una de las Iglesias de por aquí cerca, y como no deja de llover le pregunté por las procesiones. Charlamos unos minutos y trató de explicarme el sentido de la Semana Santa, algo en lo que, cada uno a su forma, estamos de acuerdo: la muerte no existe.
Un abrazo
Gracias por el mate! Días duros estos, estoy ayudando a mi tío con muchas cosas, ya casi vuelve a Argentina. Por lo que ni he visto ni me he dado cuenta de la semana santa, pero es verdad la muerte no existe. Lo mejor viene después. Acá sólo estamos para aprender,