What We Are Is God's Gift To Us; What We Become Is Our Gift To God



The Gift of God

In the beginning, when God created heaven and the earth, it made the earth the comfort zone for man by creating the Garden of Eden and making sure they never lack anything and also gave them charge of everything within it. When God created man, giving them dominion over everything was not the only thing he gave them but also talents, talents that man can use to explore the world to become great and dominate it.

Every man has his own unique talent which has been passed to us from birth and those talents when utilised can make us become great in society. No talent is bigger than the other, it all depends on how we use it. We can use our talents to present gifts to God by using those talents to help thousands of people in one way or the other not just for personal gains.

Our God-given talents

There are different types of talents God has bestowed on each and every one of us, some can have more than one while some can possess only one. Some of which are; singing, writing, speaking, playing instruments, dancing cooking and even being a quick learner to anything you set your eyes on and so many more. Some are yet to discover their talents while some have it, been using them and don’t even know it’s their talent but whatever the case is the question we should ask ourselves is, are we using it to help others? Because that’s the only way we can gift back to God.

Giving Back to God

Sometimes it doesn’t really need to be the talent to give back to God but the good deeds you perform and performing those good deeds doesn’t come easy because there will be some obstacles and temptations to test or prevent you from doing it. For example, you may want to donate to a church, orphanage or help a random person, then suddenly you might get temptations of seeing other things that look good to you and might be tempted to use the cash for it neglects the main purpose of it. This might sound weird or out of it but it happens it only takes the grace of God to overcome temptations because when they come, they come strong.

The good deeds we do or perform unconsciously or consciously are our gift to God and no good deed is too small in the sight of God. It can be giving a change to a beggar, offering a lift to someone, random evangelism, writing a book that will impact good things in the life of people or comfort when they read it and even just praising him is a gift you are offering him.

According to @yiyilatan in EL MILAGRO DE LA VIDA / MIRACLE OF LIFEshe said: The most beautiful gift that God has been able to offer us is "The Miracle of Life", it is something that simply comes to you whether you are ready or not, you have the responsibility to take care and watch over that little miracle, everything changes, you will have to perform new activities, there will be many doubts, but you must face them, take on this new challenge in your life, protect another life, love that life.


Even when it is said that we are the perfect creation, sometimes when I observe so much evil, so much damage to the environment and so much disregard for animals, in those moments I ask myself, are we really the perfect creation?


Well, that's the mystery of it some say we are perfect just like our father in heaven is perfect and others say no one is perfect but whatever the case may be I believe all humans own their actions and they are responsible for whatever they do and they must give account of it


those good deeds doesn’t come easy because there will be some obstacles and temptations to test or prevent you from doing it

They are never easy at all but the good thing is that once the grace of God is sufficient.... We will keep going and doing our best

Thanks a lot for sharing and for a reminder
