People Hate What They Don't Understand, But Don't they Understand Crypto?


Since the beginning and development of crypto, there have been two factions and that is, the crypto enthusiasts and the crypto critics just as we have it naturally where there’s good, there’s evil and where there’s light, there’s darkness. It’s a normal phenomenon for people to fear what they don’t understand because they believe they pose a threat to themselves or society but what will you describe the process where one understands something and see the potential but still hate or fear it?


Over the years, we have seen the benefit of crypto and how it has helped economies and also we saw the impact it played in the Russia-Ukraine conflict through donations to help the needy aside that, it has made investment easier without having to pass through the hardship of centralized system and still have complications with your money and I can personally say it has helped youths in many countries focus their attention on one particular thing instead of other things that are illegal.

So the question is if the benefits and impact of crypto are obvious why hate it? The crypto critics have taken their hate for cryptocurrency to the next level and they are not planning on slowing down anytime soon. Just last week here, we saw them planning to hold a conference in September just to discuss their hate for crypto and their way forward about it. However, the fact still remains, and that is, whatever they are planning and no matter the hate they have for crypto, those who love crypto will continue to love crypto.

Also, the growth and awareness of cryptocurrency and digital assets are increasing every day, because despite the bear market we are currently experiencing we’ve seen many companies trying to release their own NFTs, and governments also planning to issue stablecoin. Even though the bear market has given the crypto critics a little energy to have cause to talk negatively as usual it doesn’t change the fact that crypto is here to stay.

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I think the next bull market is going to see a lot of people using crypto and not even knowing it. More celebrities and businesses will utilize blockchains and they'll sit invisible in the background. Also games are going to bring a lot of this stuff in. I started playing a game the other day that has collectibles as one small part of the game and it turns out they are NFT's. I had no idea I was playing a blockchain game.



I started playing a game the other day that has collectibles as one small part of the game and it turns out they are NFT's. I had no idea I was playing a blockchain game.

Exactly!!! The next bull run is going to be out of the world that many crypto projects are going to roll out that even the crypto Critics Will end up in the Blockchain without them even realizing it, then we'll see what they will do about that. It's either they join us or go back to the medieval times

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