Is Merge Time or We Will Have to Wait?


One of the most anticipated projects that investors have been waiting for is the Ethereum merge and for a very long time there have been different predictions on when it will happen, one would think the merge will make Ethereum bigger than Bitcoin due to the noise around concerning it but come to think of it, would it make it bigger than Bitcoin? Personally, I don’t really think so because of the foundation Bitcoin has set and the gap between them.

For newbies who have been hearing about the merge and don’t really know what it is, Ethereum merge is the process where Ethereum switch from the proof of work consensus mechanism (PoW) to the proof of stake consensus mechanism (PoS). Both methods are used to validate crypto but PoW requires competitive or computational work from the miners but the PoS requires less work from the miners and they are required to stake their crypto in order to add new blocks to the blockchain.

The total times the Ethereum merge has been predicted and postponed is about six times but the developers are now certain that it’s going to take place on September 15 or 16. Well, this is not the first time we are hearing dates but is there going to be another delay but let’s keep our fingers crossed because there have been lots of hype concerning it and it wouldn’t look good to go back on it.

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