RE: What if we could establish a new system of governance that worked but it is not accepted internationally?


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Excellent post, thanks for sharing.

i don't think it will necessarily take a country to adopt a #decentralizedgovernance system. i think that mass adoption will occur as smaller organisations become successful using a truly decentralised system as sub-platforms, where the anonymous ID & #trustedreputation of users follows them in each sub-platform.

Have you heard of The Matrix-8 Solution?

i summarise below and provide links to dive deeper.

Sat Nam

#Matrix8 is an evolutionary system in the making which has potential to facilitate very large groups of people (works best with at least 100) who share a common interest, to achieve consensus for co-ordinated actions steps, to forward the cause of the Cause Group which they have voluntarily joined (and can voluntarily leave, with no threat of violence as is the case with current systems).

When meeting within the consensus mechanism, one only ever has to interact with seven other people, who are grouped together (based on previously completed questionnaires - which are often updated) so as to most likely be able to achieve consensus.

Again, within the consensus mechanism, all interactions are anonymous, so no-one can be targeted to attempt to influence/coerce thier voting. Everyone gets their voice heard. A reputation score is built for each user, based on several factors such as actions within the mechanism, and questionnaires from peers within the group of eight (8PAC - 8 People in Active Communication). This is also anonymous. There are no representatives who make decisions of thier own, but TEMPORARY delegates, elected from each 8PAC in each meeting (and likely you'll never be in same 8PAC with same people btw), who then speak the consensus reached to 7 other delegates in a 2nd level delegates meeting, while remaining 7 people in the ground floor 8PACs listen in to the delegates meeting. They can even un-elect, remove and replace thier delegate DURING THE MEETING if he/she speaks with forked tongue and fails to correct his words to truly convey the consensus reached to the other 7 delegates upon receiving text message sent by temporary elected secretary. This is another factor which would affect the Trusted Reputation score.

There's a lot more required to understand the potential if this system which i am confident could enable at least something close to true democracy. Lot's has been written already attempting to explain and recruit people to test the system, but it takes a certain mindset to be able to look beyond all the potential hurdles and focus on the goal.
Originally published as a comment here

Snider, lead dev of Lethean Community Interest Company is developing it to use for the Lethean DAO. All his work is FOSS so this will hopefully allow any group (such as corporations, non-profits, Hive communities, #LeoFinance, even country governments) to be able to use a sub-platform of the system. There will be just one anonymous ID & Trusted Reputation score for each person who joins, and they will use that same ID to join any (and multiple) Cause Group(s) they choose to join. #Lethean by the way will be doing a chain swap quite soon using a fork of Zano (an excellent #privacyproject). i think i'm getting the technical correct

Reading the following key posts will give an overall picture of #TheMatrix8Solution:

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