Sunflowers of indignation, righteously?

Odd title, right?
Here's the deal
I thought I would have these coming up in the flower bed on my wall.

After all, I saw this ===>

and I thought "YES"!! Sunflowers. Then, the neighbor happened. I had been planning on weeding the flower beds, planters, whatever you want to call them. But, I really wasn't in any great rush to do it. Some kind of nettles were growing and they were unpleasant to deal with. So, I was sort of looking for work gloves so I could deal with them. In the mean time, they had started growing pretty purple flowers like this.

I thought, why not let them grow. They were nice to look at and weren't hurting anything. I thought, once the flowers were gone, I would turn over the dirt and compost the offending "weed". I had also covered one section with some cardboard to keep anything else from randomly sprouting up. Then ,calamity struck. On the day I had thought, I need to move those sunflowers, my idiot of a neighbor cleaned out all the flower beds. Now, we do share the wall, but it belongs to us, not him. If he were only so fastidious about the stupid guavas that are constantly dropping off his trees into the beds and my drive way.
Now, to the title of this post.
I was, in a word, righteously(or so I thought) really mad about this. How dare he tear things out when really, it didn't concern him. I may have gone off on a rant. But, I never really had the opportunity to go confront him. I think that was God telling me to slow my roll.
Then an epiphany struck me and I was reminded of Jonah and his time outside Nineveh. What has that got to do with anything? I'm glad you asked.
I am going to paraphrase here. In Jonah 4: God makes a vine grow and provide shade for Jonah. The next day, God sends a worm that eats the vine and causes it to wither and die. Jonah is angry about this and God asks him if he has a right to be. After all Jonah neither planted the vine nor tended to it. In much the same way I was acting just like him. I didn't plant the seeds that made the sunflowers start to grow. It was a seemingly random thing. I'm sure a bird dropped some seeds that germinated and started to grow. I didn't tend to them really. That is what hit me right between the eyes. I felt ashamed and foolish for my reaction to what happened. I know better now and I will try to do and be better in the future. Just in case, I covered the beds with plastic I staked in place and put up a sign facing his yard that basically says "don't touch". Hopefully we can avoid any further incidents. I plan to get some topsoil and a flat or 3 of plants to put there. These I will care for etc.
Always try and listen to what God is trying to tell you. He knows better than we do

As always, just my .02¢ worth YMMV
Keep Stackin ⚡
Craig Le Crotchety Vet skunk 🦨
